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177: 2021/03/12(金) 01:07:20.94 ID:GLd/hUVs(1/4)調 AAS
【English Version (英語版)】
● " Hedge Fund Shorts Credit Suisse on Frozen Greensill Funds " (" Bloomberg.com : 2021/3/11 11:58 (JST) ")
<URL> 外部リンク:www.bloomberg.com
" An Australian hedge fund is betting against Credit Suisse Group AG, expecting the Swiss lender may end up having to compensate clients for losses tied to billions of dollars invested in funds it ran with embattled financier Lex Greensill. "
" John Hempton, the co-founder and chief investment officer of Bronte Capital Management Pty, said in an interview Tuesday that he’d placed a “reasonable-sized short” last week, mainly against Credit Suisse. Known for bets against Wirecard AG and Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc., Hempton is also wagering on declines in Japanese insurance giant Tokio Marine Holdings Inc. and Insurance Australia Group Ltd. -- the two firms that had provided default cover for loans made by Greensill’s eponymous company. "
" Credit Suisse pulled the plug on a $10 billion suite of funds for which Greensill provided assets after the Japanese firm triggered a rapid loss of confidence among investors by deciding against renewing insurance on the Greensill loans. The debacle is the biggest reputational hit for Credit Suisse Chief Executive Officer Thomas Gottstein since he took charge last year. "
" Hempton argues the damage may run deeper. In a blog post this week, he highlighted that clients in at least one of the Credit Suisse funds were told the underlying risk was covered by highly-rated insurers. It’s possible the insurers “will duck much of the liability to make good Greensill losses,” he wrote, depending on when their policies were written and how they are worded. "
" “One of these companies is a loser,” said Hempton, who has about A$1 billion ($770 million) in assets under management. “My personal view at this point is it’s likely Credit Suisse, and the reason it’s likely to be Credit Suisse is because the insurers worked out what was going on in April, June last year and have not renewed the policies.” "
178: 2021/03/12(金) 01:07:44.70 ID:GLd/hUVs(2/4)調 AAS
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179: 2021/03/12(金) 14:41:34.61 ID:GLd/hUVs(3/4)調 AAS
【刑事事案 (公職選挙法違反の疑い)】
●「《検察審査会》 菅原一秀衆院議員(自民)を「起訴相当」と議決 《東京地検、再捜査へ》」 (「時事ドットコムニュース:2021年03月12日 12時53分」)
<出典> 外部リンク:www.jiji.com
180: 2021/03/12(金) 14:41:50.68 ID:GLd/hUVs(4/4)調 AAS
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