[過去ログ] Boost総合スレ part8 (1001レス)

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(2): 2009/10/02(金) 20:44:20 AAS
Fusion: resolved const correctness issue
Spirit: started to add attribute transformation capabilities, new examples
Spirit: added simple token printer for parser trace output
Spirit: added bool_ generators
Spirit: added qi::bool_
Try supporting reference parameters in pairs. Probably not required.
Remove the optimization for std::pair with a key reference.
New function: diagnostic_information_what.
A few more minor performance tweaks for issue #3407.
Another round of performance tweaks for issue #3408.
These should make our igamma implementation comparable in performance
to the dcdflib FORTRAN routine - at least as far as MSVC is concerned.
missing namespace
Refactored: use static_cast and const pointer where possible.
Another attempt at a CSR edges() fix
boost/python: some Py_ssize_t replaced with boost::python::ssize_t
to restore compatibility with Python 2.3 and 2.4
Refs #2213. Fixed UTC zone offset boudaries.
Refs #1861. Changed the default format for time durations
to "%-%O:%M:%S%F" instead of "%-%H:%M:%S%F".
あと 810 レスあります
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