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371(2): & ◆5RYILmeNYU 05/01/08 15:14:28 ID:wweCLPf3(1/2)調 AAS
The L-Arginine formulas on the market contain Lysine. Pro Argi-9 does not. Why?
Lysine is a direct antagonist of arginine and serves as a competitor to arginine for entry into the brain.
In recent years, the antagonism of lysine to arginine has been well established in the medical and scientific community.
Dr. Robert Ronzio, Ph.D. in biochemistry, University of California at Berkley, post-doctoral fellow at Tufts University Medical College,
states that "Lysine supplements antagonize arginine."
L-arginine formulas typically contain lysine because of the:
* Misinformation on lysine-GH release. Even after the Journal of Gerontology report (a) stated that
"Oral arginine-lysine does not increase growth hormone or insulin-like growth factor-1," lysine advocates kept promoting its use as a valid GH releaser.
Additionally, lysine has the highly undesirable side-effect of insulin release (b), and should be considered an unacceptable co-factor in any arginine formula.
* Arginine-lysine-herpes connection. The problem regarding ingestion of L-arginine formulas is that of the reactivation of herpes and herpes-like symptoms,
both oral and genital, which would render a formula impractical for human use.
Arginine cannot cause herpes outbreaks, but can exacerbate virus-replication during an outbreak. The only prior-known remedy to this problem was the addition of lysine to arginine formulas,
an obvious chemical contradiction.
One of the most beneficial aspects of Pro Argi-9 is that the arginine-lysine-herpes connection has been carefully engineered out of the formula and remains a proprietary patent-pending trade secret.
1. Corpas E, Blackman MR, Robertson D, Harman SM. J Gerontol. 1993;48:M128-M133
2. Sener A, Blachier F, Rasschaert J, Mourtada A, Malaisse-Lagae F, Malaisse WJ. Stimulus-secretion coupling of arginine-induced insulin release: comparison with lysine-induced insulin secretion. Endocrinology 1989; 124:2558-2567
L-Arginine and L-Lysine should not be taken together. Lysine is a direct antagonist of arginine.
372: 専門家 05/01/08 15:16:26 ID:wweCLPf3(2/2)調 AAS
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