[過去ログ] 【宇部が】相撲板雑談スレッド10【キチガイ極悪自演荒らし】 (1002レス)
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150(1): 2019/03/25(月) 09:35:09.68 AAS
Mass-Pig is one of the greatest leader of Team Matsuki-san, that regard their leader as the light from the heaven.
The team present thankfulness for their leader as "南無松木大慈菩薩" Myogo, means their condition of believing in the leader.
At first, "南無 (Na-Mu)" means the expression of to be converted to the leader.
"松木 (Matsuki)" is the name of their leader.
And "大慈 (Dai-Ji)" is his expression of salvation for the believer, a whole world would be covered by this mind that can be presented "Agape" by Christian.
"大菩薩(Dai-Bosatsu)" means Bodhisattva, a grade of saint who dares to stay in a saint position (not Buddha, a highest grade in Buddhism) to relieve his believer in this world of Karma.
"南無松木大慈菩薩 (Na-Mu Matsuki Dai-ji Dai-Bosatsu)" is the well simplified words to express their thankfulness to the leader.
162: 2019/03/25(月) 14:30:58.26 AAS
For English speaker, please see >>150 contents to learn the essential of Matsuki-san's way to help his believers.
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