[過去ログ] 【Adblock】Mozilla Firefox 広告除去/追跡防止 25 (1002レス)
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960: 2018/10/21(日) 07:40:53.37 ID:nnkkx+6M0(1)調 AAS
October 20, 2018
The subscription links for uBlock Origin were updated on October 20, 2018. If you are using uBlock Origin and subscribed before that date, you need to update your subscription as follows:
1. Right click the uBlock Origin extension icon and click Options
2. Click the Filter lists tab
3. Scroll to the bottom and click the red trash can for all filter lists subscribed from cdn.rawgit.com or jspenguin.com
4. Click the Settings tab
5. Click the gears near the I am an advanced user option
6. If userResourcesLocation is subscribed from cdn.rawgit.com or jspenguin.com, change it to unset
7. Click here to subscribe to the new links
Note: The subscription links will automatically update for Nano Adb
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ
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