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65(3): ロック鳥 ★ 2006/09/10(日) 03:18:24 AAS
> 2 名前:はちべえ[sage] 投稿日:2006/09/06(水) 11:02:29 ID:4sr/q2xO0
> 動画リンク[YouTube]
> _______
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> __|/:::::::`‐-'|:::`‐-, ̄´ .M ` ̄,-‐´:::|'‐-'/:::::::::\|_
> ::::::::::\`vw,( .i>r‐ァr‐ァフ .);wV ./:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ::::::::::::::::>、 `、`'┴┴'´ノ ,.<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> :::::::::::::::::::::/ i . ̄ ̄ ̄ i \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> I'm wound tight Hot-wired About to explode
> I'm seein' red All hopped up And ready to go
> Well I'm hurtin' and I'm searchin' for a place
> Where I can deliver
> I wanna scoot so fast that my head snaps Back together
> It's OK, not OK, it's OK, not OK, it's OK...
> It's OK, not OK, it's OK, not OK, it's OK...
> Go monkey go Go monkey go Mojo Jojo
> Go monkey go Go monkey go Mojo Jojo
> Go monkey go Go monkey go Mojo Jojo
> Tell me tell me where to go Tell me tell me who to see
> Tell me tell me what to do To fix what's wrong with me!
はちべえ<>sage<>2006/09/06(水) 11:02:29 4sr/q2xO0<>外部リンク[00]:www.youtube.com (JaneStyle/2.24)
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