[過去ログ] ロックマンスレッド Part80 (1002レス)
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521(2): 2018/09/06(木) 22:53:18.41 ID:nq9N5eOq0(1)調 AAS
522(1): 2018/09/06(木) 23:32:19.15 ID:1SBcqsPl0(2/2)調 AAS
523(2): 2018/09/07(金) 00:00:50.89 ID:z3NDaGg80(1/3)調 AAS
Mega Man: I'm home! ... Dr.Light! What?
Dr. Light: Huhuhu, how’s this, Rock! My body has been toned up!
Mega Man: What is it? What?
Dr. Light: In the Great Waterfalls (Daibakufu) you see behind me, I have trained and trained!
Mega Man: What?
Dr. Light: Even if it’s called “bakufu”, it’s not as in “edobakufu”!
Mega Man: I do not understand the meaning…
Dr. Light: But that doesn’t matter! Roll! Help me!
Roll: Yes!
Mega Man: eh! Wait a moment!
…After several hours
Dr. Light: The move which I have learnt through training I will bestow upon you! However, how to use it, you have to find out on your own!
Mega Man: Haha ...
Dr. Light: Rock, it’s time for training! All you can do is train!
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ
ぬこの手 ぬこTOP 0.069s