[過去ログ] 【悲報】ワクチン、やっぱヤバかった。ワクチンで癌の抑制作用が止まって癌の進行が早まると医師の間で話題に [769417518] (1001レス)
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474(1): (ワッチョイ 065b-WU2P) 2021/10/25(月) 09:07:14.60 ID:HdIP83Ke0(3/3)調 AAS
mRNA Technology: First COVID-19, Now Cancer
.pharmexec.c om/view/can-mrna-technology-fight-cancer-
BioNTech administers first dose of personalized mRNA cancer vaccine
In a Phase II study of an mRNA-based vaccination for colorectal cancer, BioNTech is expanding its clinical oncology portfolio
with the administration of the first patient dose. BioNTech reported that the first colorectal cancer patient has been treated
in Phase II clinical study with their personalized messenger RNA cancer vaccine BNT122. The trial has been launched in
the United States of America, Germany, Spain, and Belgium. According to BioNTech, around 200 patients will be enrolled
to compare the effectiveness of BNT122 to watchful waiting after surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy, which is
currently the standard of treatment for these high-risk patients.
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