[過去ログ] 【速報】Jim「The phone company we had a x-connect with closed down ops at our data center.」 [転載禁止]©2ch.net [674031152] (316レス)
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33(6): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/23(月) 20:07:33.76 ID:??? AAS
I will speak in english. I am sorry about that.
XO communications provided the fiber
cross connection for Centauri. 2ch.net gets
bandwidth from Centauri. XO has stopped
operations at 200 Paul. That is where we
connect to the internet from. There was no notification
and the fiber was disconnected. It has been replaced.
We were down about one hour. Again, I am sorry
for the inconvenience.
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