[過去ログ] Let's talk about 2ch browser with Jim-san&Codemonkey-san in Kenmo [転載禁止]©2ch.net [617490624] (1001レス)
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61: please click Ad.Sense 2015/02/16(月) 13:09:42.55 ID:JLzj+psJ0(1/6)調 AAS
126: please click Ad.Sense 2015/02/16(月) 13:23:49.56 ID:JLzj+psJ0(2/6)調 AAS
yamashita is Nazi
153: please click Ad.Sense 2015/02/16(月) 13:28:00.55 ID:JLzj+psJ0(3/6)調 AAS
I am not Jane Style
171: please click Ad.Sense 2015/02/16(月) 13:30:13.52 ID:JLzj+psJ0(4/6)調 AAS
I am not Jane Style
183: please click Ad.Sense 2015/02/16(月) 13:32:13.52 ID:JLzj+psJ0(5/6)調 AAS
That I can change the world
I would be the sunlight
in your universe
You would think
my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
254: please click Ad.Sense 2015/02/16(月) 13:42:00.29 ID:JLzj+psJ0(6/6)調 AAS
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
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