[過去ログ] アメリカ「おい、日本よ。イスラム国に身代金渡したら許さんからな。」 [転載禁止]©2ch.net [373996372] (151レス)
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25: 2015/01/22(木) 12:49:41.63 ID:dLHs3PJc0(1/6)調 AAS
With time ticking on hostages, Japan wants to communicate with ISIS
27: 2015/01/22(木) 12:52:13.32 ID:dLHs3PJc0(2/6)調 AAS
So without a ransom, is there hope for the Japanese hostages?

ISIS' history shows there may not be a lot, but it's possible that there will be talks with the ISIS hostage takers.
Japan can point to the fact that unlike the United States and Britain, it's not involved directly with the military effort in Iraq or Syria. ISIS might surprise everyone by freeing the Japanese pair as a goodwill gesture.
But absent a last-ditch diplomatic effort, Japan may have to rely on military forces from allies in the West, the Middle East or elsewhere to rescue its citizens.

Whatever the approach, time is clearly running out.
43: 2015/01/22(木) 13:02:20.80 ID:dLHs3PJc0(3/6)調 AAS
Japan signed a 2013 G8 communique that stated, "We unequivocally reject the payment of ransoms to terrorists, and we call on countries and companies around the world to follow our lead to stamp this out."
59: 2015/01/22(木) 13:22:03.30 ID:dLHs3PJc0(4/6)調 AAS
96: 2015/01/22(木) 14:12:15.86 ID:dLHs3PJc0(5/6)調 AAS
101: 2015/01/22(木) 14:18:18.43 ID:dLHs3PJc0(6/6)調 AAS
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