[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47 (951レス)

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(1): フレイムドッグ ◆PxW4YpiL3Igx 2014/10/11(土) 17:40:10.21 ID:OLrad6re0(1)調 AAS
Hello, Jim-san.

Please answer as possible to the six questions below.

1. That currently, the following thread is not functioning at all Do you know?

2.That there is a similar thread above thread write even if there is no account of the Ronin and Be in "Unyou Jyouhou Rinji" board, it is left untreated the change request is coming there too did you know?

3. Cause various types of change request thread on board configuration is not working, (Except Mango Mangue) Do you know that is because not even one person volunteers to handle the change tools?

4. Current situation of you are supported by receiving change requests directly from the users of each board, or probably because not even one person volunteers to handle the change of the board tool set?

5. Are you going to make it to prepare the volunteer to handle the change of the board tool set as soon as possible, to function again the above thread?

6. (In the case of a "no" answer to the question of the No.5 is)
future, directly from the user of each board for most of the change of the board setting Do you probably going to support in response to the change request?

Note. Question No. 6, please answer, except to change requests regarding modifications to revert to the original settings and change the link destination.
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