[過去ログ] Lets talk about Search (395レス)
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120(1): ◆AayKAiQKKssl 2014/03/19(水) 00:11:37.27 ID:94aqAGX90(1/6)調 AAS
thank you so much for your answer.
yes, I & ID:ETtRpotT0 & ID:70pEYqOD0 want the exact match to be default.
> If that is default, then how do you specify that you dont want an exact match?
[Typing words area] [search results *1 *5] [全部/2ch/PINK *1] [Category *1] [Board *1] [Targeted information *1 *2] [Sort *1 *3] [10/20/50/100 *1] [検索 button]
*1 = pull-down menu
*5 search results = [完全一致 (exact match) *Default/部分一致 (partial match)]
134: ◆AayKAiQKKssl 2014/03/19(水) 19:22:30.12 ID:94aqAGX90(2/6)調 AAS
Thank you so much.
135(3): ◆AayKAiQKKssl 2014/03/19(水) 20:02:45.00 ID:94aqAGX90(3/6)調 AAS
I & ID:UEMUl12i0 & ID:UHH48Xsg0 need a new dropdown.
The dropdown is
[Thread type// 全スレッド (All thread) *default/ 現行スレッド (NOT log) / 過去スレッド・過去ログ (log)]
log = Threads we could browse by 2ch viewer only. We can't post on it.
136: ◆AayKAiQKKssl 2014/03/19(水) 20:10:44.15 ID:94aqAGX90(4/6)調 AAS
i'm real glad that BP added the 完全一致 dropdown.
137: ◆AayKAiQKKssl 2014/03/19(水) 20:23:05.03 ID:94aqAGX90(5/6)調 AAS
i correct
*2 Targeted information = スレッドタイトル (Thread title only) *Default / 全文 (ALL) / 本文 (Message only) / スレッドタイトルと本文 (Thread title & Message) / 投稿者名 (Poster name only) / ID (ID only)
Thread title only ← most popular
139: ◆AayKAiQKKssl 2014/03/19(水) 22:30:30.16 ID:94aqAGX90(6/6)調 AAS
F: post on it.
T: post on them.
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