[過去ログ] 女性ホルモンを始めました9(女装、ニューハーフ) (1001レス)
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3(1): 2008/01/03(木) 10:27:33 ID:PxMuaRaG0(2/147)調 AAS
but as the time is always with the same measure sometimes i need to make breakes
to look after the farm... and this time was to organize the reception in the future for the lambs... [making the stocks of grass...(i do not know how to say it in english...
straw pack????)] and in about 2 months i will receive the lambs.. to say all this as i said it might sound
strange... so i guess one day i will have to explain it all nicelly to you.
but in short words i living very close to the gods!! full of peace and all the sounds
around are only pure nature!!very nice indeed.
i will be writing to you soon to speak about this... i promise.
i am glad you had a nice birthday!i wish to know you beter because you seem to be a delicious friend.
i will be writing to you always! and still hopping to one day be found online and at
yahoo messenger...one day this will have to hapen!!
sending you love
12: 2008/01/03(木) 11:03:12 ID:PxMuaRaG0(9/147)調 AAS
例えばto hadとかね。でも一生懸命書いてくれて、優しい気持ちが伝わってくる。
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