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15: 2021/07/19(月) 11:11:46 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(1/11)調 AAS
There's certainly a magician.
If you don't know the magic route, you can't respond to the world where witchcraft exists.
16: 2021/07/19(月) 11:17:53 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(2/11)調 AAS
There are seven celestial bodies behind the mysterious phenomenon.
19: 2021/07/19(月) 11:22:36 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(3/11)調 AAS
It's not my job to be used in witchcraft.
20: 2021/07/19(月) 11:23:46 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(4/11)調 AAS
Magicians are using humans.
22: 2021/07/19(月) 11:27:54 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(5/11)調 AAS
The elderly in Japan are being used by magicians.
25: 2021/07/19(月) 11:41:08 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(6/11)調 AAS
Without know, the ability is the ruler.
33: 2021/07/19(月) 11:47:37 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(7/11)調 AAS
Where there are no stars in the stellar world, humans are the rulers of the horizon.
38: 2021/07/19(月) 12:15:14 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(8/11)調 AAS
A starless King of Israel is no different from a magician.
41: 2021/07/19(月) 12:37:00 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(9/11)調 AAS
That's why they look a bit like each other.
59: 2021/07/19(月) 13:26:52 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(10/11)調 AAS
When the dead approach man, they approach the seven celestial bodies.
Maybe that's what it's like when you're resurrected.
106: 2021/07/19(月) 16:27:23 ID:6dGbT1Ab0(11/11)調 AAS
Only the restoration engine can compete with the rulers of the horizon.
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