[過去ログ] 【社会】 性交同意年齢を16歳に引き上げ、「5歳差」が要件に。性犯罪の刑法改正で試案示す 法務省 [朝一から閉店までφ★] (1002レス)
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(1): 2022/10/24(月) 14:28:41.52 ID:ACM9hkhj0(1/14)調 AAS

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Four capacities have been described that are required for (medical) decision-making: (1) communicating a choice; (2) understanding;
(3) reasoning; and (4) appreciation.
Each capacity is related to a number of specific skills and abilities that need to be sufficiently developed to support the capacity.
Based on this approach it can be concluded that at the age of 12 children can have the capacity to be decision-making competent.

(出典:Petronella Grootens-Wiegers,2017)


Three groups of subjects were asked to judge the probability that they and several target others (a friend, an acquaintance, a parent, a child)
would experience various risks.
Subjects were middle-class adults, their teenage children, and high-risk adolescents from treatment homes.
All three groups saw themselves as facing somewhat less risk than the target others.
However, this perception of relative invulnerability was no more pronounced for adolescents than for adults.
(出典:M J Quadrel,1993)


In females, there was no evidence for a class that could be described according to the trajectories hypothesized in dual systems theory.
This study’s results support the claim that a developmental imbalance may drive an adolescent increase in delinquency.
However, this applies only to a small subgroup of individuals, particularly males.
(出典:Aja Louise Murray,2021)
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There were no differences between the three groups, however, in terms of the prevalence of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preterm labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis,
meconium staining, endometritis, preterm delivery, low birth weight, low Apgar score, or fetal death.
This study suggests that young age is not an independent risk factor for most perinatal complications.
(出典;A B Berenson,1997)

Spontaneous vaginal deliveries occurred in 71.25% of 14-16 year olds and in 69.1% of 17-19 year olds.
The rate of preterm delivery among teenagers was 13.8% (15.8% in 14-16 year olds and 14.7% in those 17-19 years old)--
significantly higher than the 10.2% rate among women 20-24 years old.
However, adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight and low Apgar scores were not significantly more frequent among teenage mothers.
These findings fail to provide support for the view that teenagers have poorer obstetric and neonatal outcomes than adult mothers do.
(出典:G Connolly,1998)

The teenage women had a significantly higher normal vaginal delivery rate (65% vs 45%) and a lower operative delivery rate compared with control women
(elective caesarean section: 1.7% vs 4.9%; emergency caesarean section: 13.3% vs 22.9%; instrumental delivery: 19.3% vs 26.3%,).
There was no difference in the pre-term delivery rate or in the stillbirth rate between the two groups.

Teenage pregnant women have better obstetric performance in terms of mode of delivery without an increased risk of stillbirth or prematurity compared with older women.
(出典:S Jivraj,2010)
(1): 2022/10/24(月) 16:25:15.84 ID:ACM9hkhj0(10/14)調 AAS


We find that many of the negative consequences of teenage childbearing are much smaller than those found in previous studies.
For most outcomes, the adverse consequences of early childbearing are short-lived.
Finally, for annual hours of work and earnings, we find that a teen mother would have lower levels of each at older ages if they had delayed their childbearing.
(出典:V. Joseph Hotz,2005)


Overall, minors involved with adults were not significantly less well adjusted than adults involved with other adults on a majority of measures,
effect size differences in adjustment were mostly small, and mean adjustment responses consistently indicated good rather than poor adjustment.
(出典:Bruce Rind,2021)

In general: minors with adults enjoyed the event as much as minors with peers or adults with adults;...
Younger girls (14 and under) with men (mean ages: 13.19 and 26.42), compared to women with peer-aged men (mean ages: 22.38 and 23.78),
enjoyed the coitus a great deal at the same rate (17 % vs. 18 %) and had emotionally negative reactions no more often (18 % vs. 16 %).
(出典:Bruce Rind,2014)


However, more typically, the interviewed youth described the relationship as reciprocal, even some time after it had ended.
The professional intervention often resulted in feelings of helplessness for the youth.
(出典:Dafna Tener,2014)
(1): 2022/10/24(月) 16:53:27.83 ID:ACM9hkhj0(11/14)調 AAS




I proxy female relative economic empowerment with a measure of potential relative earnings of married spouses,
caused by local changes in gender-specific labour demand. I show that increasing potential relative earnings
in favour of the woman increases the probability that she visits a hospital for assault-related injuries.
(出典:Sanna Bergvall,2022)

My analysis finds an increment in the gender-violence rates in municipalities that enforced the introduction of the new femicide penalty type,
and in municipalities exhibiting an increased level of women empowerment.

Specifically, I obtain that in municipalities that introduced the new femicide type and with an increased level of women empowerment,
there was an increase of gender-violence rates of 0.27 SD, relative to those that experienced gender-violence but not enforced
the new femicide type.
(出典:Bernard Moscoso,2021)

Results show that counties with greater gender inequality, in favor of men, in occupation and income, experience a decrease in the odds of
a far-right homicide occurring. Once a far-right homicide occurs, gender inequality in occupation has a further pacifying effect
as greater inequality is associated with a decline in far-right violence.
(出典:Colleen E. Mills,2019)
821: 2022/10/24(月) 18:59:17.75 ID:ACM9hkhj0(12/14)調 AAS
(1): 2022/10/24(月) 22:02:23.66 ID:ACM9hkhj0(13/14)調 AAS


Paralleling previous research, higher pathological narcissistic grandiosity as well as higher altruism were
found to be statistically significantly related to greater involvement in feminist activism.
Unexpectedly, gender did not moderate the relationship between pathological narcissistic grandiosity and activism.
Higher pathological narcissism was also related to stronger self-identification as a feminist;
however, pathological narcissistic grandiosity explained some variance in the involvement in feminist activism
over and above feminist self-identification.
(出典:Alex Bertrams,2022)


Both "normal" and "pathological" narcissism were related to aggression.
All three dimensions of narcissism (i.e., entitlement, grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism) were
related to aggression. Narcissism was related to all forms of aggression
(i.e., indirect, direct, displaced, physical, verbal, bullying), and to both functions of aggression
(i.e., reactive, proactive). The relation between narcissism and aggression was significant for males and females,
for people of all ages, for students and nonstudents, and for people from individualistic and collectivistic countries.
Significant results were obtained in experimental, cross-sectional, and longitudinal studies,
in published and unpublished studies, and in studies that assessed aggression using different types of measures
(i.e., self-report, other-report, observation).
(Sophie L. Kjarvik,2021)
987: 2022/10/24(月) 22:03:04.74 ID:ACM9hkhj0(14/14)調 AAS


Paralleling previous research, higher pathological narcissistic grandiosity as well as higher altruism were
found to be statistically significantly related to greater involvement in feminist activism.
Unexpectedly, gender did not moderate the relationship between pathological narcissistic grandiosity and activism.
Higher pathological narcissism was also related to stronger self-identification as a feminist;
however, pathological narcissistic grandiosity explained some variance in the involvement in feminist activism
over and above feminist self-identification.
(出典:Alex Bertrams,2022)


Both "normal" and "pathological" narcissism were related to aggression.
All three dimensions of narcissism (i.e., entitlement, grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism) were
related to aggression. Narcissism was related to all forms of aggression
(i.e., indirect, direct, displaced, physical, verbal, bullying), and to both functions of aggression
(i.e., reactive, proactive). The relation between narcissism and aggression was significant for males and females,
for people of all ages, for students and nonstudents, and for people from individualistic and collectivistic countries.
Significant results were obtained in experimental, cross-sectional, and longitudinal studies,
in published and unpublished studies, and in studies that assessed aggression using different types of measures
(i.e., self-report, other-report, observation).
(Sophie L. Kjarvik,2021)
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