[過去ログ] 【東スポ】安倍元首相銃撃の山上容疑者の背後に2つの〝反アベ団体〟か★6 [木枯し★] (1002レス)

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203: 2022/07/13(水) 22:07:25 ID:Q2x/BWsE0(1/2)調 AAS

”The criminal who assassinated the former Prime Minister of Japan was a member of an anti-Abe group.”
BBC News
1hours ago

If I could reach the stars Pull one down for you
Shine it on my heart So you could see the truth
That this love I have insideIs everything it seems
But for now I findIt's only in my dreams And I can change the world
I will be the sunlight in your universe You would think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world
あと 799 レスあります
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