[過去ログ] 【プチプラ】女性非正規の平均給与は152万円。データが語る“格差社会・ニッポン”の現実… [BFU★] (1002レス)
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1(34): BFU ★ 2021/06/28(月) 16:36:30.86 ID:DNEOKc349(1)調 AAS
「“一億総中流社会”を一つの好ましい事実として誇っていた日本であったが、今や中間層が減少して、富裕層と貧困層の増加がめだつ“格差社会”に入った、との認識に合意のある時代となった」。経済学者の橘木俊詔さんは著書『日本の構造 50の統計データで読む国のかたち』の中でそう語ります。
※出所:OECD『Employment Outlook2019』/本書P95より
2(3): 2021/06/28(月) 16:37:12.14 ID:oai0XQcV0(1)調 AAS
I am rather surprised to hear that Mrs. Koike (the governoress of Tokyo) has, insisting on her sickness, entered the hospital, though she had a grave responsibility upon the lives of 10 million Tokyoites when they are endangered in the epidemic.
There were not a few leaders without a sense of responsibility in history. Darius III of Persia and Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, who left their soldiers behind and fled from the field. Such examples could be multiplied.
Nor is this all. What's more amazing was the reason for her sickness which she gave. It is because she was shocked that her own dog passed away. It was not the lives of her people but that of her pet that mattered far more to her.
Her preference of the pet to the citizens reminds me of an Ethiopian king who went on feeding flesh to his beloved lion when his people were suffering from the serious famine.
Having had a dog before I came from Iowa to Tokyo, I also know how shocking the death of a dog is to his owner. Indeed, Mrs. Koike could be sympathised if she were a mere house-wife, but the fact is that she is a ruleress on whose shoulders the great responsibility rests.
You must shudder to imagine if General Nogi had abandoned his responsibility as a martial leader because his son was killed in the field.
3(18): 2021/06/28(月) 16:37:32.34 ID:1MkOIh2Z0(1)調 AAS
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