[過去ログ] 【LGBT】カトリック聖職者の8割がゲイだと判明 暴露本を出版へ (562レス)
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3(2): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/02/16(土) 08:06:35.25 ID:DtO9hLB40(1)調 AAS
318(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/02/16(土) 13:09:25.74 ID:/vGk1gU/0(1/27)調 AAS
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『ピンクと黒、1968年以来のフランスの同性愛者』(Le Rose et le noir : les homosexuels en France depuis 1968, éditions du Seuil, 1996年)
『ゲイの長い行進』(La Longue marche des gays, coll. Découvertes Gallimard (n° 417), Gallimard, 2002年)
『現地レポート 世界LGBT事情 変わりつつある人権と文化の地政学』(Global Gay, Flammarion, 2013年)岩波書店 林 はる芽訳 2016年
"We are in the middle of the fight": the globalisation of LGBT rights
Q&A with Frédéric Martel, author of "Global Gay: How Gay Culture is Changing the World"
How does religion come into play?
Gay marriage is a good indicator of this. In many countries, religion has been mobilised against legislation on the issue of gay marriage –
the Orthodox Church in Eastern Europe, the Catholic or evangelical church in the US, Spain. All religions – Islam, Judaism, and Christianity –
are against gay marriage.
323(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/02/16(土) 13:20:04.59 ID:/vGk1gU/0(3/27)調 AAS
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But is that 80% figure really true? And what, exactly, does "all tendencies included" mean? Remarkably, in a
576-page book, Martel, who has written widely on LGBT culture, never returns to that estimate, nor does he
try to ascertain its veracity.
Instead Martel dedicates more ink to ruminating on the presence of a rainbow colored umbrella in Casa Santa Marta,
the Vatican apartments where Pope Francis and other high-level Catholic officials live, than trying to determine whether
his source's estimate is true.
"I imagine the scene: its lucky owner, perhaps a cardinal or a monsignore, takes his stroll in the gardens of the Vatican with
his rainbow flag in his hand! Who is he? How dare he?"
Like that passage, the book is light on verifiable accounts and heavy on innuendo. At times, it reads like French social theory
translated by Page Six gossip mongers. One prominent cardinal is described as looking like a "Viking bride." Another is accused
of having a "flowery conversation" over the phone in a "perfumed voice."
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