[過去ログ] 【レーダー照射】韓国国防省がYouTube動画公開 (リンクあり)★2 (1002レス)
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19(1): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/01/04(金) 15:48:36.94 ID:RA0vzQeM0(1/13)調 AAS
131(2): 名無しさん@1周年 2019/01/04(金) 16:02:22.28 ID:F5hhY5uT0(1)調 AAS
There was an e-mail about a video from a friend of the Westerners (a famous white man from white people)
He says,
"Ugly patchwork that cuts and pastes part of Jap's movies convenient for them"
"Republic of Korea applauds this sneaky movie with a squatting refutation"
"I understood well the invasion ambitions of Jap and the honesty of the Republic of Korea in this case"
"One thing you can do for Jap is that it is a sincere apology"
"Jap makes a hate speech in the comment field and it is erasing it, but deleting hate speech is standard in the West."
I felt that the essence was shot through
From the European and American elite group, the Korean side is justified
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