[過去ログ] 【国際】安倍首相、韓国への歩み寄り指示 世界遺産登録で採決回避優先 ★3©2ch.net (1001レス)

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670: 名無しさん@1周年 2015/07/20(月) 01:52:31.12 ID:EdHlix/C0(7/11)調 AAS
PRIME MINISTER ABE: Well, in my meeting with the congressional
representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do
have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as
comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships,
and had to suffer that sacrifice; and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan,
expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes
for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance.

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