[過去ログ] 【教育】 英語授業は小3から、5年生から正式教科に・・・文部科学省 (1001レス)
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817(1): 今日も雲孤 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. [(´・ω・`)ショボーン] 2013/10/24(木) 00:58:30.53 ID:HnByLrpr0(5/17)調 AAS
feet high, eighteen feet square, and has a ceiling, once painted and gilded, with beams like those of your house. This was covered with
canvas during the time it was used as a hospital; and then we have wainscoating of the time of our grandmothers. But it is my own room
which you ought to see. Madame Magloire has discovered beneath at least ten thicknesses of paper some pictures, which, though not good,
are quite endurable. Telemachus received on horseback, by Minerva, is one; and then again, he is in the gardens- I forget their name; another
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