[過去ログ] 【長野・聖火リレー】中国人に女性が顔を殴られ、作者が手を噛まれた…mixiで日記「世界最低の国、日本」が話題に★4 (1001レス)
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545: 名無しさん@八周年 2008/04/30(水) 16:46:58 ID:ZVNRpk5B0(1/4)調 AAS
I went to Nagano to join Free Tibet protesters.
Let me talk about the day of the torch relay in Nagano, Japan.
(For the videos and the original text in Japanese, access to 外部リンク[pl]:mixi.jp
Early in the morning, I went to the Zenkoji Temple (which was the cancelled original starting site of the torch relay), with M, T, F and Y.
In town more and more chartered buses arrived carrying Chinese supporters.
They had huge Chinese five-star red flags that must have been provided by the Chinese Embassy. On the other hand, we hand-made the Tibetan flag and signs and stayed at a Karaoke box the night before.
After our visit on the Zenkoji Temple, we went to the starting point of the torch relay. There, we couldn’t believe that we were in Japan.
Those carrying a five-star red flag were allowed to enter the site, while those carrying the Tibetan flag were not.
The Police (of the Nagano Prefectural Police Department) explained the reason as,
“Because it’s dangerous…”
Then, why are Chinese admitted?
“…, thank you for your cooperation.”
(See video)
That’s staged at all!
It’s the police that staged the torch course filled with the Chinese red flags.
I paste the video when we protested against the police.
In every corner of Nagano City, we saw many groups of people shouting “Free Tibet!” Then the Chinese poured down to the group levelling insults upon them.
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