[過去ログ] 【北朝鮮】 国連人権理事会で日本政府の朝鮮総連弾圧を強く非難〜「政治弾圧と人権侵害は、ほかに例を見ないほど残忍だ」[03/28] (744レス)
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148: <丶`∀´> 2007/03/28(水) 23:26:44 ID:aHL4/ko6(1)調 AAS
Caution:Korea's attack

On behalf of Japanese, I may tell you what is happening in Japan.

We are being taken a cultural invation from Koreans.
They destroyed a shrine named Inari Shrine.
The Japanese national religeon, Shinto, is concidered as one of
the most important tradions in Japan. Traditionally and generally,
people living in Japan visit there from a thousand years ago.

Yet, Koreans took over one shrine in Maizuru-City for the purpose
of tax evasion, and they menaced its chief priest. They also
destructed the main gate, and burried statues in mud.

Let's imagine Christianity in the U.S. or Islam in Iraq.
If someone blemish a church or mosque, how do people react for it?
From ancestors to our genaration, the ancient age to the present,
we have been protecting the precious treasure; we MUST NOT
let them blame it.

Please help us to protect the Japanese custom.


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