[過去ログ] 世界最大の観音像 中国共産党の宗教弾圧により爆破される 「習近平が神」 (586レス)
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505: (茸) [ヌコ] 2019/03/06(水) 07:58:14.74 ID:xWiPZok40(1)調 AAS
In 2008 Clive Hamilton was at Parliament House in Canberra when the Beijing Olympic torch relay passed through.
He watched in bewilderment as a small pro-Tibet protest was overrun by thousands of angry Chinese students.
Where did they come from? Why were they so aggressive? And what gave them the right to shut down others exercising their democratic right to protest? The authorities did nothing about it, and what he saw stayed with him.
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