🥷卍 (532レス)
🥷卍 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/
1: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:33:58 ・イニたんをすこすこするスレ ・sage進行 ・派生グル/元練習生の話題はNANM1N雑談スレで ・じょわんの話はじょわんスレで ・個スレの話題禁止 ・他グルsageや比較禁止 ・直接リンク等ツイヲチ禁止 ・ヲタ認定、メンバーの叩き禁止 ・婆叩き、〇〇婆は〜、あぼは○○推し、じょわんより〜、人気順、レート、分量、センター連呼はあぼなのでスルー ・あぼと会話してる人もあぼだからスルー ・次スレは宣言後>>970が立てる立つまで減速立ったら保守 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/1
2: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:37:01 あの頃いた婆たちまだ生息してるのかお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/2
3: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:37:39 わあはNANM1Nからいる😢人少なくなったおね http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/3
4: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:38:52 たぶんほとんどはツイにいると思うお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/4
5: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:41:39 わあもNANM1Nからいるお ただIDなし宣伝あぼと英文爺まだいそうなのに難民に立てるのまた同じことになりそおで怖あちゃん http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/5
6: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:42:09 じゃあばいばい😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/6
7: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:43:07 あーんなんか気配すりゅ http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/7
8: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:43:36 また立てたのかおやっと巻き込み規制解除されたのに勘弁してお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/8
9: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:45:02 何でまた書き込むん😹書き込まなきゃ規制ならんのに http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/9
10: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:46:15 難民以外で絵文字書けてID出ないとこってあるかお? http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/10
11: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:46:47 巻き込み規制とかあるんかお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/11
12: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:47:13 妄想でしょ普通に規制なる時はなるし http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/12
13: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:49:00 あの頃みたいに婆たちと年越しできたら楽しかったと思うお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/13
14: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:49:28 切ないこと言うなお😭 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/14
15: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:50:01 🎍🐯🌅🙏✨ http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/15
16: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:51:50 すぐここもなくなるだろうけどあけおめ http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/16
17: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:52:55 🧸🐯🐯🧸 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/17
18: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:53:19 わあがきちゃあけおめってIDスレで書いてるけどとりあえず http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/18
19: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:54:24 >>10 ID無しがデフォルトの所は無いんじゃないかな コマンド使えばなる所はあるだろうけど http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/19
20: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:54:58 絵文字諦めるしかないんでね 宣伝かねて邦楽サロンに立てるのはどうよIDはなしだけど絵文字は知らん http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/20
21: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:56:25 だお語じゃない婆もきちゃ😠 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/21
22: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:56:46 絵文字使わないならほのぼの埋めてお アジエンは確か絵文字使えたはずIDなしは分からん http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/22
23: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:56:55 保守されちゃったなら書き込むお ラウンジほのぼのなんでもありあたりはIDなしで難民の避難所見かけるけど絵文字不可 あとIDなくて絵文字使えるのは壁くらいしかわからんお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/23
24: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:57:30 壁ってなんだお? http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/24
25: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 22:58:42 婆が減って爺が増えた気がすりゅ http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/25
26: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:01:58 許すきちゃ http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/26
27: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:03:54 ゆるたじかわよおおおおおおお🐯🐯 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/27
28: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:11:03 難民にしかいないわけじゃないからだお語忘れることもあるお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/28
29: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:14:21 プラメタイムきちゃ http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/29
30: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:16:45 あーん許すざきてぃありがちゅ http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/30
31: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:17:13 すっかり架空ケミじゃなくなったゆるざき😍 http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/31
32: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:18:02 MJがもうファンタジーモノの映画のワンシーンみたいだお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/32
33: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:20:05 なんだお結局ここ使わないんかお http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/33
34: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:45:39 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/34
35: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:45:46 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/35
36: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:45:52 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/36
37: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:48:21 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/37
38: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:48:25 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/38
39: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:49:44 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/39
40: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:49:48 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/40
41: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:50:09 基地外は正月から元気ね http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/41
42: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:53:11 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/42
43: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:54:03 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/43
44: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:54:06 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/44
45: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:58:20 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/45
46: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:58:33 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/46
47: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:58:44 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/47
48: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:58:55 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/48
49: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:59:05 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/49
50: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:59:17 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/50
51: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:59:26 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/51
52: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:59:36 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/52
53: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/03(月) 23:59:56 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/53
54: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:00:22 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/54
55: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:00:36 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/55
56: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:00:47 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/56
57: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:00:57 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/57
58: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:01:07 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/58
59: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:01:17 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/59
60: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:01:28 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/60
61: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:01:41 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/61
62: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:01:56 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/62
63: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:02:32 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/63
64: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:02:44 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/64
65: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:02:55 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/65
66: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:09:58 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/66
67: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:14:21 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/67
68: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:14:37 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/68
69: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:14:49 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/69
70: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:15:11 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/70
71: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:15:22 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/71
72: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:15:33 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/72
73: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:15:49 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/73
74: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:16:00 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/74
75: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:16:16 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/75
76: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:16:55 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/76
77: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:17:07 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/77
78: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:17:26 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/78
79: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:17:42 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/79
80: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:18:37 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/80
81: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:18:49 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/81
82: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:19:01 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/82
83: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:19:24 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/83
84: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:19:37 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/84
85: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:19:50 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/85
86: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:20:02 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/86
87: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:20:11 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/87
88: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:20:26 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/88
89: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:21:04 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/89
90: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:21:16 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/90
91: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:21:28 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/91
92: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:21:43 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/92
93: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:21:54 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/93
94: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:22:05 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/94
95: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:22:17 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/95
96: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:22:28 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/96
97: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:22:39 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/97
98: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:22:53 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/98
99: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:23:02 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/99
100: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:23:14 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/100
101: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:23:46 Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll ust be a standard port. In many http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/101
102: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:23:57 Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll ust be a standard port. In many http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/102
103: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:24:24 Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll ust be a standard port. In many http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/103
104: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:24:48 Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll ust be a standard port. In many http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/104
105: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:25:00 Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll ust be a standard port. In many http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/105
106: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:25:29 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/106
107: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:25:40 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/107
108: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:25:52 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/108
109: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:26:08 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/109
110: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:26:20 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/110
111: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:26:31 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/111
112: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:26:45 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/112
113: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:27:20 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/113
114: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:27:32 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/114
115: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:27:44 Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/115
116: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:28:33 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/116
117: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:28:57 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/117
118: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:29:08 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/118
119: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:29:20 Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleakserdleakserdleaks http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/119
120: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:29:45 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/120
121: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:29:57 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/121
122: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:30:20 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/122
123: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:30:44 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/123
124: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:30:56 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/124
125: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:31:08 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. Thursday, February 25th. I'm Mary and you're watching Gamespot news. For the rich. First up, let's all give a round of applause to Victor Kislyi, who made his first billion. The video game industry has a new billionaire in its ranks. Bloomberg reports today, that Victor Kislyi, founder and CEO of Cyprus based World of Tanks developer Wargaming, has a net worth of one billion. ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ Kislyi decline to confirm this number, but in standard rich person fashion, he told the publication that he lives a very modest life-style. He's no wonder put a number in his fortune. Good job Victor, hide your riches. Money is the topic that i purposely tried to avoid. The company itself has reportedly valued 1.5 billion dollars. Kislyi controls 64 percent of the business directly, and also has his father's 25.5 percert stake. According to Bloomberg, Wargaming has a network of 150 million users accross the globe. The studio is best known for its free-to-play game World of Tanks, which makes a butt-ton of a cash, through The Bloomberg profile on Kislyi is a good read, if you're a subscriber to that type of thing, packed with interesting insights into the luxurious life and various investments. "I really think money doesn't make you happy." Other notable gaming billionares include Mine Craft director Markus Notch Persson, and Valve head Gabe Newell. Despite Kislyi's modest life-style, we can all look forward to the near future, when he outbids Jay Z and Beyonce in a Beverly Hills mansion and parties with Selena Gomez. Next stop is a story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing stNerdleaks, the lis http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/125
126: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:31:34 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/126
127: 名無し草 [sage] 2022/01/04(火) 00:31:47 stop is story for a gamer with an average amount of money who we call normies. In normie news., Pokemon Sun and Moon was listed today. Trademark applications for Pokemon Sun and Moon, including logos, have been published on the European trademark registry. Discovered by Nerdleaks, the listing states they were filed today. The Nintendo direct briefing, which was expecting big news takes place tomorrow. So this might have been leaked. Note that the trademark registrations don't always mount to product releases. Additionally, there's no mention in the listing that Pokemon Sun and Moon are games. And add to that, Pokemon Sun and Moon appeared to be the name of fan-made games. You can see it right here. The Pokemon-themed Nintendo ●r● kicks off tomorrow, Feburuary 26th at 7 a.m. Gamespot will have all the news as it's announced. So hopefully, this one's real. Finally, there's something you just can't put a number on. ●r●l● exquisite pieces, that are priceless. Things like Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 6. Coming to Xbox one and PS4. You can't put a number on things like that. They're gonna be listed for 20 dollars a piece. All rich people enjoy a good full bodied ●r●. And today Capcom announced today that all three games are coming to new consoles, beginning with Resident Evil 6 in March. Each game? It's be gonna 20 bucks. Resident Evil 6's r●-r●l● will come with all pr●l● r●l● add-on content, including costumes and more. Resident Evil 5's release is sl● for summer 2016, with Resident Evil 4, coming this fall. Capcom also announced that ●l disc versions will ●l●le in America, though no ●rth● details were provided. Publisher didn't say if the new versions of any game will be ●gr● to better ●r● or if they'll just be a standard port. In many ways, Gamespot news is like this 6-year ●l● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about to finisl● Kentucky rye whiskey. It's rich, full-bodied, and I'm about http://pug.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/nanmin/1641216838/127
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