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402: 2014/06/02(月) 07:04:13.97 ID:+tbIawuc(1/2)調 AAS
Maleficent's audience was 60 percent female and 51 percent over the age of 25.
Families accounted for 45 percent of attendance. The movie grossed $6.7 million in IMAX, and 3D showtimes represented 35 percent of sales.
A Million Ways to Die in the West
The movie's audience skewed male (55 percent) and older (72 percent were over 25 years of age)
5月の収益は歴代5位 May, 2014 $1,005,614,031
425: 2014/06/02(月) 21:00:13.28 ID:+tbIawuc(2/2)調 AAS
The Fault In Our Stars 若い〜中年女性客
Edge of Tomorrow 中年男性客
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ
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