[過去ログ] 本日も晴天なり! (1001レス)

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511: 2014/11/04(火) 10:01:01.58 AAS


Half a year ago, someone appealed to operation(Jim-san) to decrease a TATESUGI value of comic board and wcomic board(*1). It was performed without the consent of an self-governance thread. As a result, the TATESUGI value was set to 64.
However, the serious problem for this board has occurred now. The "duplication thread" and "a thread which violate the rule of this board" are mass-produced(*2).
This is due to changing a thread title and a template by malicious troll.

We wishes to restore a TATESUGI value to 300 to solve this problem. This was obtained consent in self-governance thread. In addition, there were no problems while the TATESUGI value was set to 300.

*1 2chスレ:operate
*2 2chスレ:wcomic
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