[過去ログ] 本当に1+1=2なのか (450レス)
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339(1): 2017/09/20(水) 21:51:52.91 ID:L4f0yKry(3/3)調 AAS
Many words of foreign origin are used
in the Japanese language,
but their pronunciations and meanings
are often quite different from those of
the original words.
Japanese people, unlike Americans,
often tend to control their emotions.
For example, when they get a gift from someone, they express their thanks for it,
but put it aside,
acting as if they were not at all interested in it.
340(1): 2017/09/21(木) 03:20:13.08 ID:FPCh1rVI(1/2)調 AAS
People are alike in many ways,
but their languages and customs vary
from place to place.
Doctors and teachers are alike
in that both of them do not deal with things,
but with people
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