[過去ログ] 【超速報】チンフェの小・中学校の顏開示8 (1001レス)
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458: 2013/04/07(日) 23:19:17.51 ID:VTVgSdPX(1)調 AAS
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i ハ i、 | There is no damage to me.
| 从-リノ ノリノノ-)リ、 l Moreover, even if there is damage to you bastards,
| リ ‐=・-; -・=‐ Y l it is no relation to me completely.
.i从 | ` ̄,:  ̄´ |从,! Since you don't matter to me.
i リ,i ゚人,,__,,人:. | リ} Without exaggeration, even if you guys die, I won't be sad at all.
ハ: i. , __ij..__ 、: 'iノ´ Because I have not been involved with you in the real world.
彡、 `?エlフ'´ /ミ In other words, I don't sympathy to you bastards.
彡イ\ ` ̄´ / ト ミ
_/ ∧ > ―< ∧ \
─ ' ¨: : : : | \ / |: : : ¨.‐-
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