[過去ログ] ■もうすぐノーベル賞発表ですね_2013年10月■ (487レス)
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(2): 2015/09/14(月) 12:43:40.21 ID:AEN6mDyd(1)調 AAS
9月18日(金) イグノーベル賞発表
342: 2015/09/18(金) 10:24:00.47 ID:8/xOH+j3(1)調 AAS

Here is the full list of prize winners:

Chemistry - Callum Ormonde (University of Western Australia) and colleagues,

Physics - Patricia Yang (Georgia Institute of Technology, US) and colleagues,

Literature - Mark Dingemanse (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands) and colleagues,

Management - Gennaro Bernile (Singapore Management University) and colleagues,

Economics - The Bangkok Metropolitan Police (Thailand)

Medicine - joint award: Hajime Kimata (Kimata Hajime Clinic, Japan)
and also Jaroslava Durdiakova (Comenius University, Slovakia) and her collagues,

Mathematics - Elisabeth Oberzaucher and Karl Grammer (University of Vienna, Austria)

Biology - Bruno Grossi (University of Chile) and colleagues,

Diagnostic medicine - Diallah Karim (Stoke Mandeville Hospital, UK) and colleagues,

Physiology and entomology - Awarded jointly to two individuals: Justin Schmidt (Southwest Biological Institute, US)
343: 2015/09/18(金) 12:37:42.69 ID:FKrpaeJF(1)調 AAS

イグ・ノーベル賞 キスの効用で日本人医師が医学賞
9月18日 11時42分
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