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730(1): 677 2005/11/23(水) 20:09:04 ID:nS0mvxwx(1)調 AAS
Korea の Japanese occupation について、編集→削除を繰り返していたら
The occupation by the Japanese is characterized by most historians as a period of brutal repression. An estimated seven million Koreans were jailed or killed.
Many Koreans were forcibly sent all around the empire, men as slave laborers and women as military sex slaves.
The occupation by the Japanese is characterized as one break of cruel repression by most historians of two Koreas.
The population of Korean people was 13,128,780 in 1910 according to the census of population of "Governor-General of Korea".
And, the population of Korean people became 25,120,174 in 1944. [quotation from Governor-General of Korea statistics annual report]
(This Data doesn't include an overseas South Korean. )
Though the computational method and the source are uncertain, South Korea estimated seven million Koreans were jailed or killed.
Pyongyang regime estimated 8.4 million people were kidnapped by Japan, one million people were slaughtered,
and military sex slaves was forced on 200,000 women (Korean Central News Agency on January 31, 2003. )
Many Koreans were forcibly sent all around the empire, men as slave laborers and women as Comfort women.
Conscription system similar to the Japanese was obligated to the South Korean in 1944.
Military forces in Japan drafted 116,294 South Koreans' person. And, 6178 Korean people did death in battle.
(announcement of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1990)
732(3): 2005/11/24(木) 00:14:54 ID:PoJXVmEQ(1/3)調 AAS
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