[過去ログ] 朝鮮人のWikipedia(ウィキペディア)捏造に対抗せよ 5 (1001レス)

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(2): 2005/12/06(火) 20:11:29 ID:z9DSSwPq(1)調 AAS
Zainichi (Resident Japan) refers to Koreans residing in Japan.
Most of them are second-, third-, or fourth-generation Koreans
who are not Japanese citizens, forced or pressured to relocate to
Japan during Japan's occupation of Korea,
while others later entered Japan in order to escape the Korean War.
Japan revoked their Japanese citizenship after the occupation,
and their country of origin, Korea, no longer existed
when South Korea and North Korea became separate states.
Zainichi communities are split based upon affiliation
with North or South Korea.
Many Koreans living in Japan use Japanese names to hide their origin,
in order to avoid discriminatory treatment.


Zainichi (Resident Japan) refers to Koreans residing in Japan.
Most of them are second-, third-, or fourth-generation Koreans
who are not Japanese citizens,entered Japan in order to escape the Korean War.

Their country of origin, Korea, no longer existed
when South Korea and North Korea became separate states.
Zainichi communities are split based upon affiliation
with North or South Korea.
Many Koreans living in Japan use Japanese names to hide their origin,
in order to enjoy many privileges,
for example, the exemption from taxation.

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