[過去ログ] おちんぽ大将軍とともにイルミナティと戦おう★21 (1002レス)
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(2): 2019/02/08(金) 03:18:19.87 ID:h42UjdUx(1/2)調 AAS
世界に相手にされない  因果応報  天罰

◆ 「東京五輪ボイコットせよ」 英国で猛烈な反捕鯨デモ



(1): 2019/02/08(金) 07:49:09.15 ID:h42UjdUx(2/2)調 AAS
3S policy and Panama document and Hiroshi Hasegawa
JOC president · Takeda Tsuneki is killing peopleTakeda Tsunetoru Kanto military staff. 731 With a position
to know the activities of the unit, for the royal family, escaping from Manchuria first with the help of the surroundings because
it is made a target of the Soviet army invading Manchuria. An estimated 80,000 civilians victims left in Manchuria that Kanto Arabia
abandoned. After the war he will serve as President of JOC. Haruyuki Takahashi Senior Managing DirectorIn the background of the prestige
of Tsunekazu Takeda who is a junior of the university with his father Takeda Tsunodu who served as JOC president, he plays a great deal of
attention in advancing Dentsu's sports world. Taken by Takeda's appointment as JOC Director. Takeda Takeda The third son of Heng. Batting
a woman in a car accident. With assistance from the surroundings, I returned to the Olympic representative in just two years. Became president
of JOC at parent's consolidation. When I live in need, I have JOC president who was unpaid in honorary position paid 1,300,000 yen monthly, with
the power of senior university's former university senior colleague Takahashi Haruyuki. Make Takahashi the inviting commissioner in return.
Takeda Tsuneaki Former Dentsu employee. Tsunekazu nephew. Hostage of the Takeda family presented to Dentsu. Dentsu was fired by cannabis
possession, I could not fulfill the Takeda family and the Dentsu pipe, incompetence. Takeda Tetsuta Eli's son. Royal netouyo artist.
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