[過去ログ] 再 就 職 先 が 決 ま り ま せ ん (1001レス)
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449(1): 帰国後無職 03/12/12 22:37 ID:gzdjhu6i(1/21)調 AAS
I guess, 443 wrote in English because there are others that
speak English here.
How come you decided to quit the job so quickly? I have some work
experiences in Japan but nothing was as short as yours. (The shortest
one I've ever had was two-month long.) What was the reasons for quitting?
I understand you feel very stressed out about a life here as I feel the same way,
struggling to find a job for these four months. Still, I don't see
any way-out. Time just passes in vain. If you are young, there can be
a lot of other things that you might want to do besides work but
in my case, I'm 29 and want to get ready for finding my future wife
to start a new life. I just hope that I can find a position soon.
あと 552 レスあります
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