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815: 名無しさん 〜君の性差〜 2022/04/27(水) 18:01:49 ID:k6/9mdxR(1)調 AAS
Yukiko Yamashita
Professor of Biology; Core Member, Whitehead Institute; Co-Chair, Biology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
PhD, 1999, Kyoto University
BS, Biology, 1994, Kyoto University
Research Summary
Two remarkable feats of multicellular organisms are generation of many distinct cell types via asymmetric cell division and transmission of the germline genome to the next generation, essentially in eternity. Studying these processes using the Drosophila male germline as a model system has led us to venture into new areas of study, such as functions of satellite DNA, a 'genomic junk,' and how they might be involved in speciation.
Tsuneko and Reiji Okazaki Award, 2016
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Investigator, 2014
MacArthur Fellow, 2011
Women in Cell Biology Early Career Award, American Society for Cell Biology, 2009
Searle Scholar, 2008
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