ちょっと!芳恵がアメリカで逮捕ですって! (401レス)
ちょっと!芳恵がアメリカで逮捕ですって! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/
148: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/04/19(土) 22:15:36 ID:X7yqog+K0 中傷メールだって来るだけまだマシ 芳恵さんのトコにはダイレクトメールさえ届かないんですから!! バカにすんのもいい加減に! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/148
149: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/19(土) 22:27:28 ID:7uPuDijr0 住所不定なんですものね!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/149
150: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/20(日) 23:27:41 ID:+6t9BL050 あら、左下にモソ恵さんが・・・ ttp://www-2ch.net:8080/up/download/1208669913909318.hf1N8q http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/150
151: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/21(月) 16:26:07 ID:i48NKrY80 お返事ゼロで独り寂しく会場入り・・・モソ恵さんミジメね http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/151
152: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/21(月) 16:34:38 ID:tPMcHGpE0 あら、ユッキーさんていいオトコじゃない?? モテ筋よね。 ソレに比べてジュゴンやなすび似の高田雅弘ってどうしたってミジメだわ。 哀れね。 死んじまえばいいのよ、ごみ同然の汚釜だから。 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/152
153: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/21(月) 18:57:39 ID:m+ZApSzJO モソ恵って臭そうね すげーブス 惨めな方ね 67:陽気な名無しさん :2008/04/20(日) 15:24:34 ID:HLEFDj630 祝☆モソ恵さんNHK出演(笑) ttp://www-2ch.net:8080/up/download/1208669913909318.hf1N8q http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/153
154: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/22(火) 01:48:50 ID:TyfYv9Oq0 >>152 あら、モソ恵さん=ゆっきーさんだったの? ていうか、モソ恵さんがいいオトコだなんて、あなたゲテモノ喰いネ? それともお返事ゼロの自作自演かしら??? どっちにしても、じゅごんやら高田やらの 最下層と比べられたモソ恵さんミジメ、オカワイソウ・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/154
155: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/23(水) 03:11:50 ID:qvuziOAtO ナンノさんを脅迫して逮捕されたってのは、 やっぱりトレモロ派一味なのかしら? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/155
156: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/23(水) 03:34:58 ID:DVQyIFirO >>153 右下の銀髪の方かしら? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/156
157: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/23(水) 21:53:10 ID:Pyf0ZeYR0 >>155 「謝罪会見要求」って芳恵さんの差し金だったの?! 「アリエスの乙女たち」に主演できなかったことを いまだに根に持ってるのね?芳恵あわれね・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/157
158: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/23(水) 22:02:07 ID:aKjBlLIcO ほんと、気違いストーカーばかりで気味悪いわ〜。 あんたらビンボーニンと違ってアイドル時代の蓄えと著作権収入で芳恵はセレブで優雅ななライフ送ってんのに… http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/158
159: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/24(木) 01:55:16 ID:en4y8qZZ0 そうよそうよ!! 芳恵は芳恵鯛にせっせと貢いで貰って 優雅なバイブ生活を送ってんですからね! 見くびんのもいい加減に!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/159
160: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/24(木) 11:32:39 ID:Z52tTR8HO 途中うんこさせて下さい http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/160
161: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/26(土) 05:32:46 ID:/DREMjJZ0 ちょっと!!芳恵さんの糞は超高級珈琲に焙煎されるんですからね! 見くびんのもいい加減に!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/161
162: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/27(日) 20:39:31 ID:w+nfTDbR0 そうよそうよ! アメリカの刑務所でも自家製珈琲をせっせとこしらえて 女囚たちからは昼夜を問わず引っ張りだこの人気者だったんですから!! バカにするのもいい加減に! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/162
163: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/29(火) 11:02:36 ID:bv8T2KGx0 でも、糞を捻り出す際に漏れた芳恵さんのオナラで 刑務所内に硫化水素中毒患者が続出したそうじゃないの?! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/163
164: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/04/30(水) 12:31:54 ID:qhvhKwQMO 人間テロ兵器なのね?芳恵さん!? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/164
165: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/04/30(水) 13:15:11 ID:fi5lK01t0 >>1〜>>164 キチガイ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/165
166: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/01(木) 09:44:07 ID:1ukMmoLR0 芳恵さんのオナラは平和利用すべきよ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/166
167: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/02(金) 01:38:34 ID:YwXR/VPV0 芳恵さん、腋毛だって伸ばし放題ですものね!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/167
168: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/04(日) 05:58:45 ID:gNUal/mX0 何度、不法バイブ所持で逮捕されても懲りない女、芳恵! 「だって、ガマンできないんだモ〜ン!!」 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/168
169: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/05(月) 06:40:38 ID:JcR7WnFh0 歩く硫化水素なんですものね!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/169
170: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/05(月) 19:08:27 ID:KzrMSakqO ビラビラが肥大しちゃってただれちゃって 芳恵 日本に帰りたい http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/170
171: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/06(火) 19:40:04 ID:SfUGM9qN0 いっそ芳恵さんもアポロシアターでバイブパフォーマンスなさればよろしいのに http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/171
172: 柏原芳恵 [] 2008/05/06(火) 19:42:38 ID:EE488L5p0 いい加減にしないと怒りますよ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/172
173: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/05/06(火) 19:43:10 ID:kXdXcPNA0 ご本人登場? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/173
174: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/07(水) 03:25:22 ID:xk+BYNUx0 >>171 そうよそうよ! 腰カクカクのポールダンスご披露して、 黒乳首見せつけつつ、黒ビラビラご開帳で拍手喝采!! 芳恵さん、起死回生に如何かしら? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/174
175: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/08(木) 00:21:49 ID:LEd6QHUg0 アメリカの巨大ストリップバーでは 黒乳首と黒ビラビラが肥大化した芳恵さんが大人気だそうよ・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/175
176: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/09(金) 00:35:06 ID:p1NWMAL4O だったらもう日本に帰ってこなくていいわ! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/176
177: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/10(土) 10:50:19 ID:HHtbdpD60 どっちにしろ入国禁止なんですからね!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/177
178: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/11(日) 14:03:39 ID:vHPuI9tJ0 芳恵さん、アメリカの大草原の小さな牧場で牛と歌おうコンサート開催! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/178
179: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/11(日) 20:20:44 ID:uqbFIDw40 芳恵さんも亀田ファミリーと一緒にメキシコ進出なさればよろしいのに http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/179
180: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/12(月) 18:52:20 ID:h+ubz8oq0 芳恵鯛はオフィスKOKEHIの亀田ファミリー受け入れ案に賛同しているのかしら? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/180
181: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/13(火) 23:18:12 ID:pR1Is/xJ0 賛同も何も芳恵さんが私設応援団長なんだから 芳恵鯛だって亀田ファミリーを受け挿れるしか法がないわね・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/181
182: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/05/14(水) 10:24:20 ID:f30KQ1MD0 http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/011/739/42/N000/000/000/P7160010.JPG http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/011/739/42/N000/000/000/P7160013.JPG http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/011/739/42/N000/000/000/P7160017.JPG http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/011/739/42/N000/000/000/P7160018.JPG http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/011/739/42/N000/000/000/P7160021.JPG http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/182
183: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/14(水) 18:12:49 ID:01LSGxb2O 西成の恥さらし http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/183
184: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/16(金) 00:56:16 ID:nfPPLdg/0 「恥さらし」だなんて冗談じゃないわ!! 自称ロイヤルアイドルの芳恵さんなんですからね、 「恥しらず」とか「脱ぐ脱ぐ詐欺犯」とか「バイブ中毒者」とか もっと言葉を選んで欲しいモンだわね!ふざけんじゃないわよ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/184
185: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/16(金) 21:00:30 ID:23wN2Akp0 大阪のスラム街、西成の英雄なんですからね! 芳恵さんと亀田ファミリーは!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/185
186: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/16(金) 21:07:02 ID:5rqU84H4O 新曲のタイトルはManMan? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/186
187: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/17(土) 17:07:29 ID:SqQsTptTO 残念だけど、新曲出すお金なんてないわ… http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/187
188: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/18(日) 16:39:23 ID:w5dwxDD+0 亀田ファミリーのファイトマネーが オフィスKOKESHIに横流しされたこと、誰もご存知ないのかしら? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/188
189: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/19(月) 17:54:41 ID:wlJqIdjOO そのための私設応援団なんですからね! ふざけんのもいい加減に!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/189
190: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/21(水) 10:40:49 ID:2pwvJOJF0 ヴィ〜ン!と飛んでっちゃえばイイのよ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/190
191: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/21(水) 16:55:09 ID:n39YzQS3O 島田モソ恵 「ぶざけんなよ〜〜ウウウウ」 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/191
192: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/23(金) 00:34:38 ID:ZOuB2A2sO ついでにwモソ恵と高田もまとめて逮捕されちゃえばいいのに! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/192
193: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/24(土) 23:30:29 ID:OPnuBSovO 高田とモソ恵は相思相愛なんですものね! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/193
194: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/27(火) 12:52:08 ID:OnaENpCAO やっぱり、島田=モソ恵=高田=カポヂだったのね・・・相思相愛ですものね! ご愁傷様。゜(☆ ゜^∀^゜)゜。アーッハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/194
195: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/05/27(火) 14:33:17 ID:+XVTEs2w0 本家・芳恵さんをコケシにするのもいい加減に!! http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1211369121/l50 【最後の】柏原芳恵さんvs堀サンダルちえみ【斗い】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1209167670/l50 ちょっと!芳恵がアメリカで逮捕ですって! http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/l50 【電動派】コケシ大好き芳恵さん【手動派】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1210878545/l50 【賞レースを】芳恵さんレコ大7回連続出場【語る】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1209785813/l50 【生放送で】芳恵さん打ち上げ不参加【飛び出した】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1207047497/l50 芳恵漬け2008 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1199475745/l50 【ドヤ顔】芳恵さん画像コレクション 【黒乳首】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1210863806/l50 【電動の】芳恵ベストバイビストV23【殿堂入り】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1210588117/l50 【バイブ】芳恵ミジメね・・・【黒乳首】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1199551480/l50 西成のガバガバばあちゃん芳恵さんの仰天事件簿 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1211261896/l50 ★ 芳恵さんバイブ中毒から、丸22年 ★ http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1207835257/l50 43歳芳恵バイブ伝説・魑魅魍魎篇 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1211524750/l50 【宗教】芳恵アロマ真理教【法人】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1206732758/l50 【43歳女盛り】 柏 原 芳 恵 【冗談じゃないわよ】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1203780675/l50 芳恵さん夜ヒットのずっこけ疑惑発覚!!!!!!!! http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1210492928/l50 芳恵はアナルバイブがお好き http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1201305478/l50 クリトリスジェミーは芳恵でできている http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1202551202/l50 芳恵さんいろは歌留多・平成21年度版 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1211206550/l50 【Wikipedia】柏原芳恵と都市伝説 【削除】 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1202571447/l50 毎度有り難う御座います。芳恵漬け本舗です。 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1211632311/l50 40過ぎて聖子芳恵から卒業できない無職の子持ち高田 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1209785916/l50 芳恵さんを偲んで http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1203964066/l50 <夏季限定スレ>芳恵さん夏模様の夕涼み http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1211021356/l50 43歳芳恵バイブ伝説・跳梁跋扈篇 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1199890297/l50 芳恵さんをコケシにするのもいい加減に!! http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1202544004/l50 西成のガバガバばあちゃん芳恵さんの愉快な事件簿 http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1196291944/l50 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/195
196: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/29(木) 19:28:11 ID:kj2xPXhlO 芳恵は国外追放がお似合い http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/196
197: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/05/31(土) 23:36:50 ID:mrYC+tXQO でも、芳恵の引き取り手が何処にもないわよ?! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/197
198: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/03(火) 01:46:57 ID:zTg8Bg3bO オーストラリアかハワイで芳恵さんを引き取ってくれないかしら・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/198
199: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/04(水) 15:46:37 ID:gzyuBR4GO 2人とも「友だちじゃないから引き取る理由がない」と仰って断られたわ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/199
200: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/04(水) 15:49:01 ID:UtK/XsM4O うんこ芳恵 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/200
201: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/04(水) 23:34:41 ID:3T1Ypge30 >>199 芳恵は子供の教育に宜しくないんですって( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \/ \/ \ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/201
202: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/06(金) 22:12:50 ID:eWeUbUg00 んまぁ!!芳恵のオナラは硫化水素なんだから しっかりと隔離監禁しておかないと人類の危機よ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/202
203: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/07(土) 22:35:05 ID:vGJtfCIq0 だったら、いっそ日本に戻ってこない方が安全ね! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/203
204: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/08(日) 22:32:19 ID:3vMUmXy9O それならもうこのまま連絡取らなくていいわ・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/204
205: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/09(月) 22:02:31 ID:FEaiQ41j0 日本政府も引き取り拒否してるらしいわ。 「臭いのは勘弁!!」 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/205
206: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/10(火) 13:33:44 ID:cqxkNsNIO ちょっと!モソ恵さんが無職ですってよ! ↓ 302:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 11:51:11 ID:w5rCqORA0 [sage] 今日はipod用のケース買ったわ 304:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 15:03:05 ID:Ej2lJZJe0 >>302 あんたあと貯金はいくらあんのよw 305:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 20:30:56 ID:w5rCqORA0 [sage] あたしは いろいろネット利用して 働かないで収入得てるから 貯金は崩してないわよ 266:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 23:58:12 ID:w5rCqORA0 [sage] 新曲はまた 5千枚? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/206
207: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/11(水) 11:44:36 ID:GP2Cm1aL0 >>205 日本人じゃないんですものね!芳恵さん 「バ、バ、バ、バイブ、バイブの国から来た芳恵」 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/207
208: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/06/11(水) 12:01:27 ID:my2Mc9VsO バイブ星人よね…芳恵さん 正体見破られたら、突然カクカク踊りだすのよ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/208
209: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/11(水) 21:18:57 ID:R9mUv7DUO モソ恵ミジメ ↓ 302:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 11:51:11 ID:w5rCqORA0 [sage] 今日はipod用のケース買ったわ 304:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 15:03:05 ID:Ej2lJZJe0 >>302 あんたあと貯金はいくらあんのよw 305:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 20:30:56 ID:w5rCqORA0 [sage] あたしは いろいろネット利用して 働かないで収入得てるから 貯金は崩してないわよ 266:陽気な名無しさん :2008/06/09(月) 23:58:12 ID:w5rCqORA0 [sage] 新曲はまた 5千枚? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/209
210: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/12(木) 21:21:45 ID:jig6Lz4IO ≪速報≫ YOSHIE容疑者(43)の保釈保留に!(ロイター=共同) http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/210
211: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/13(金) 08:42:30 ID:Sv8Z5pkd0 独房でコケシ作りに勤しみながら社会復帰の機会を窺っているそうよ、芳恵さん・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/211
212: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/14(土) 15:26:59 ID:h2NiABH+O 無職のモソ恵さん、ご利用スレ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/212
213: 松坂〜ハンカチ世代 [] 2008/06/14(土) 15:28:04 ID:ykLL9D/x0 1980.4.2〜81.4.1生まれ 松坂大輔、キングコング、小島よしお、藤川球児、朝青龍 広末涼子、優香、眞鍋かをり、田中麗奈、小池栄子、夏川純、鳥居みゆき 1981.4.2〜82.4.1生まれ 荒川静香、滝沢秀明、柴咲コウ、安倍なつみ、佐藤江梨子、MEGUMI ブリトニー・スピアーズ、鈴木あみ、安達祐実 1982.4.2〜83.4.1生まれ 宇多田ヒカル、倉木麻衣、加藤あい、深田恭子、上原多香子、中島美香 倖田來未、オリエンタルラジオ、近藤春菜、矢口真里、北島康介 酒鬼薔薇聖斗(少年A) 1984.4.2〜85.4.1生まれ えなりかずき、赤西仁、速水もこみち、石川梨華、藤本美貴、hiro、白鵬 若槻千夏、綾瀬はるか、栗山千明、木村カエラ、アヴリル・ラヴィーン 1985.4.2〜86.4.1生まれ 上戸彩、後藤真希、山下智久、亀梨和也、ウエンツ瑛士、小池徹平 中川翔子、宮崎あおい、相武紗季、まなかな、大沢あかね、ギャル曽根、宮里藍 1986.4.2〜87.4.1生まれ 亀田興毅、ダルビッシュ、松浦亜弥、井上真央、石原さとみ、上野樹里 沢尻エリカ、リア・ディゾン、上田桃子、BoA、スザンヌ、あびる優、YUI 1987.4.2〜88.4.1生まれ 長澤まさみ、安藤美姫、辻希美、加護亜衣、木下優樹菜、平野綾 1988.4.2〜89.4.1生まれ 斎藤佑樹、田中将大、亀田大毅、坂本勇人、福原愛 堀北真希、新垣結衣、戸田恵梨香 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/213
214: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/15(日) 14:51:02 ID:ClxbJZET0 >>213 ちょっと!! 芳恵さんは1965年10月1日生まれなんですからね! ハンカチ世代だなんて、20歳以上もサバ読みじゃないの!! 誤爆すんのもいい加減に!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/214
215: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/16(月) 16:30:53 ID:q6zCV1m70 芳恵さんのことを下品なババァだと言いたいのね!! 冗談じゃないわ?おっしゃる通りよ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/215
216: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/16(月) 17:01:14 ID:OH2QqztNO モソ恵うぜー 無職のデブス 74キロのおちょぼ口W http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/216
217: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/17(火) 20:44:10 ID:Rit28Hnu0 そもそも芳恵さんは何しにアメリカに行ったの? 電車の乗り方も分からないのに、飛行機の乗り方は知っているの? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/217
218: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/17(火) 23:57:08 ID:e6Tk9wVF0 >>217 飛行機の乗り方を知らないから、税関で捕まっちゃったんじゃないの!バカね!! それ以来、海外に行くときは筏だと聞いたわ・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/218
219: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/18(水) 00:00:06 ID:1POfBiKEO モソ恵さん臭そうね http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/219
220: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/18(水) 22:54:37 ID:Hx4raHpB0 >>217 私が聞いたのは、渋谷のボブの型を取りにイクのが目的だったって・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/220
221: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/19(木) 16:49:41 ID:I+ROC5WD0 型を取るため逮捕覚悟で渡米・・・さすがバイビスト芳恵さんネ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/221
222: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/19(木) 17:38:52 ID:lE5+UmgkO モソ恵って臭そう http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/222
223: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/19(木) 23:01:47 ID:lE5+UmgkO モソ恵って臭そう http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/223
224: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/20(金) 13:55:52 ID:/s7EuKcS0 誰も引受人になってもらえない・・・ミジメね http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/224
225: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/06/20(金) 14:29:16 ID:MKw6Fwp60 やだ、また芳恵さんコケシにしてるの? いい加減にしたらどうなのよ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/225
226: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/20(金) 20:26:12 ID:In8JbJT+O モソ恵って臭そう http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/226
227: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/21(土) 20:42:54 ID:3T2Jx9HiO 無職モソ恵って臭そう http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/227
228: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/21(土) 22:37:28 ID:Ndy58oYa0 >>225 芳恵さんはドMだからコケシにしないとエクスタシーを感じられないんだと オフィスKOKESHIの社長さんがおっしゃってました。 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/228
229: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/22(日) 20:09:24 ID:IBB/OWp20 オフィスKOKESHIの社長さんって、 芳恵さんの黒チクビをコリコリして、コケシ突っ込んで、ドM女に調教したのと同じ方? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/229
230: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/23(月) 23:34:56 ID:ekSwi3eaO オフィスKOKESHIの社長は芳恵さんじゃないの!? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/230
231: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/25(水) 19:17:21 ID:cjn0znCBO 芳恵に社長を務められる程の才覚はないわ・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/231
232: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/25(水) 23:30:54 ID:NW+oRwnBO すぐ商品で遊んじゃうんですもの〜 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/232
233: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/26(木) 14:26:55 ID:YfZr6WAqO だってガマンできないんですものね!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/233
234: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/27(金) 12:04:23 ID:YD+rXNNuO 新スレ 【逮捕間近】モソ恵w【ニート】 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/234
235: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/27(金) 23:13:58 ID:iUj8D6d+O 恥を知れ!!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/235
236: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/28(土) 19:23:20 ID:7QqOtrdMO モソ恵って臭そう http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/236
237: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/06/29(日) 22:57:23 ID:alQX95leO 懲りない奴!!ミジメね… http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/237
238: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/02(水) 11:45:07 ID:hY6ENikYO ミス異臭騒ぎ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/238
239: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/03(木) 22:27:03 ID:KNjkUKelO 異臭騒ぎってwww http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/239
240: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/03(木) 22:40:14 ID:FlmcN4ZEO 今の若い子なんてろーたーやバイブ所持率 6割りよ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/240
241: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/03(木) 22:46:55 ID:Ss2vLeFL0 ほんとにバイブって空港の検査に引っかかるの? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/241
242: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/03(木) 23:16:15 ID:IxsCvV/i0 芳恵の特製バイヴは一般人には凶器にしか見えない代物なのよ。 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/242
243: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/04(金) 17:56:46 ID:Zw88LAkw0 >>240 ちょっと!芳恵さんは“今の若い子”からは程遠いババアなんですからね!! これ以上、コケシにすんのもいい加減に! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/243
244: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/04(金) 19:10:10 ID:h9b0doHSO アンタ、ババアですって!?口を慎みなさい!! 艶女(アデージョ)とお呼び!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/244
245: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/05(土) 21:51:12 ID:5cj64utrO 今の芳恵は「艶」のかけらもない カスカスデブ婆ァよ… http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/245
246: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/06(日) 21:43:23 ID:yb3xXzbv0 >>239 異臭騒ぎといえば・・・テレビ局のスタジオに ドリアンが搬入されたのかと振り返ったら芳恵さんがいたのよね? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/246
247: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/07(月) 13:01:49 ID:qj35oo24O 2ちゃんねる粘着人生モソエ 24時間2ちゃんねる監視 哀れだわ 571:陽気な名無しさん :2008/07/05(土) 13:25:15 ID:NvGEhP0B0 24時間いつでも素早く対応のモソ恵さん さすが無職ね さすがだわ〜w http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/247
248: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/07(月) 20:48:41 ID:K0PeZNyYO 気合いが違うわね http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/248
249: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/08(火) 22:29:57 ID:SIeZ8wSD0 部屋を真っ暗にして「最愛」聴きながら号泣するのよw http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/249
250: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/10(木) 14:03:59 ID:5syJZC/sO 芳恵さんも不倫バイブで逮捕されないかしら? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/250
251: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/11(金) 22:45:26 ID:4nOgT4c4O 不法バイブで逮捕されるんだから、不倫バイブで逮捕されても可笑しくないわよネ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/251
252: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/12(土) 23:36:26 ID:oSNBEKEcO ハーラームーン!ハーラームーン!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/252
253: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/12(土) 23:42:02 ID:lXcglg5R0 「柏原芳恵さんはいつまで経っても清純派」 これが国民の総意なんですから!! 異論反論は一切受け付けません!! か し こ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/253
254: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/13(日) 18:33:27 ID:QCKhaV9g0 ふざけんじゃないわ! 「永遠の右手の恋人」「私の体でスッキリして!」なんて コピーで商売してたメス牛が清純派? 笑わせないでよ! この黒乳首コケシがッ! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/254
255: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/14(月) 19:41:40 ID:piRfbonvO そうよそうよ! 村西とおる監督とも昵懇の仲なんですから!! コケシにすんのもいい加減に! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/255
256: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/15(火) 20:48:46 ID:OC1Vur3AO 村西監督は臭いのがお好きだったのね・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/256
257: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/17(木) 01:34:27 ID:sc++bPAR0 芳恵さんったら、あのねのねの原田さん、吉幾三さんに、村西監督まで、 来るもの拒まずの何でもござれだったのね・・・ 下品よ!淫乱よ!!見損なったわ、私ももう芳恵さんのファン辞めます!! 今度こそ、本当に辞めるんですからね!!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/257
258: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/18(金) 03:48:27 ID:0Xs6X9sO0 芳恵さんもベティのママと一緒に逮捕されれば良かったのよ・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/258
259: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/19(土) 02:17:52 ID:hdQtIjaqO 淫乱ナマコの芳恵がどうなろうと、今更知ったことじゃないわ! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/259
260: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/19(土) 17:40:09 ID:dSCa8ldtO ベティのママはプロテーゼの入れ過ぎで、 芳恵さんはバイブの挿れ過ぎでタイホされたのよね? http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/260
261: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/19(土) 17:49:07 ID:SRLj2wP80 芳恵さん… 清純派ゆえ国民を魅了しすぎた罪で囚われの身らしいわ…? 罪深き女、芳恵。世間の醜い嫉妬に翻弄される運命… http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/261
262: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/20(日) 19:45:52 ID:7If9Jy6F0 >>260 しかも芳恵の場合、不法バイブの所持だから悪質なのよね・・・ http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/262
263: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/21(月) 18:54:31 ID:IuWOSNLM0 芳恵さん「脱ぐ脱ぐ詐欺」の前科 Dカップ淫乳、笠倉出版、60分 女神の乳房、明文社、40分 柏原芳恵 in ギリシャ ヴィーナスの衝撃、FIVE STAR、50分(再発物) 乳白の街、SEXA VISION、45分 ROYAL SCANDAL、ネオ・イマージュ、44分 引き裂かれたDカップ、笠倉出版、45分 お宝ガールズ、笠倉出版社、60分 あぶないボディ、笠倉出版、60分(葉山レイコ共演) FINE BODY、オーケー出版、60分 ロンリーカナリア、日本フォノグラム、30分 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/263
264: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/22(火) 23:27:38 ID:9wNxy5Ua0 これじゃ、宮内庁出入り禁止になるのも無理ないわネ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/264
265: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/22(火) 23:56:17 ID:/NcCVnIoO 下のお口の出入りが止むことはないのにね… http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/265
266: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/23(水) 01:00:46 ID:UbH5B7zZ0 デビュー時のキャッチコピーが「ちょっと大物/スキモノ少女」なのよ。 http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/266
267: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/24(木) 00:49:18 ID:8K+ECp3CO よしえちゃんにピッタリのキャッチフレーズですネ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/267
268: 陽気な名無しさん [] 2008/07/24(木) 23:22:59 ID:1MNaSblQ0 >>263 村西とおる監督とコラボレートした脱ぐ脱ぐ詐欺の最高峰、 「スキャンダルは美しい」が挿ってないわヨ!! http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/268
269: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/25(金) 20:19:19 ID:pHj2QExH0 "When Fumie asked me, I asked Miki, and she said it's okay because when [Miki] was in Japan, she used to skate at the same rink as Fumie, [2006 Olympic champion] Shizuka Arakawa, everybody," he said. On this day in mid-July, Ando -- who withdrew from the 2008 ISU World Figure Skating Championships during the free skate after placing eighth in the short program -- declined questions, but Morozov said she is training well. "She had shoulder and leg injuries at worlds, but she is better now. She is even doing quad Salchows," he said. Suguri's new short is choreographed to the soundtrack of Fanfan, a 1992 French comedy romance. Suguri called it "little-known music." As for the long, she said, "We don't know yet. Nikolai has lots of ideas. We're thinking about different music." Technically, she is working to perfect a triple-triple combination as well as the triple loop, a jump she has not landed in recent competitions. "Nikolai has fixed [the loop] a lot," Suguri said. "I wish to have the loop this season and also maybe a triple Axel." "She landed loop a couple of times [in practice] already," Morozov confirmed. "I like to work with Fumie; she is a very nice skater." Suguri, who is scheduled to compete at Skate Canada and Cup of Russia this fall, especially enjoys sharing the ice with another of Morozov's pupils, world junior champion Adam Rippon. "I need someone to push me; I'm so glad I'm skating with Adam," she said. "Boys jump harder than girls. It keeps up your motivation. It's so much different from the way girls practice." Suguri is also able to test her mettle against her countryman Oda, who began training at Ice House this spring. "This is a very nice place to train. The coach is great, and the other skaters are also great, so I am very happy here," the 21-year-old said. Both he and Suguri have settled in to apartments just 10 minutes from the rink. The 2008-09 season is a comeback for the diminutive Japanese athlete. In July 2007, while in his hometown of Osaka, he was cited by police for driving his moped under the influence of alcohol. The Japan Skating Federation suspended him from international competition until December 2007. Oda apologized for the incident, paid a fine and accepted the suspension. Although he could have competed at Japanese nationals for a spot on the world team, he elected to skip the season. "I was not glad to take off last year," he said. "But I think it was a very good time to think, 'Who am I? What should I do for the future?'" In his down time, Oda turned to Lori Nichol to choreograph two new programs. His short, set to Khachaturian's "Masquerade Waltz," was created in November 2007; his free to "Warsaw Concerto," a virtuoso piano piece, was done in February. Like Morozov's other pupils, Oda is planning to compete at the Moran Memorial Championships, held at Ice House in August. Because Oda did not compete last season, he is entered in just one fall Grand Prix event, Japan's NHK Trophy, in November. "I don't have two Grand Prix, only one, but I am also doing the Nebelhorn Trophy in Germany in September. I need the points," he explained. "My goal is, first of all, the podium at [Japanese] nationals. I want to make the world team. [Japan qualified three men for 2009 worlds.] After that, my goal is to do as many international competitions as possible and skate as well as I can. I would like to put the quad toe loop in both the short and long programs, if it goes well in practice." http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/269
270: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/25(金) 20:19:58 ID:pHj2QExH0 "When Fumie asked me, I asked Miki, and she said it's okay because when [Miki] was in Japan, she used to skate at the same rink as Fumie, [2006 Olympic champion] Shizuka Arakawa, everybody," he said. On this day in mid-July, Ando -- who withdrew from the 2008 ISU World Figure Skating Championships during the free skate after placing eighth in the short program -- declined questions, but Morozov said she is training well. "She had shoulder and leg injuries at worlds, but she is better now. She is even doing quad Salchows," he said. Suguri's new short is choreographed to the soundtrack of Fanfan, a 1992 French comedy romance. Suguri called it "little-known music." As for the long, she said, "We don't know yet. Nikolai has lots of ideas. We're thinking about different music." Technically, she is working to perfect a triple-triple combination as well as the triple loop, a jump she has not landed in recent competitions. "Nikolai has fixed [the loop] a lot," Suguri said. "I wish to have the loop this season and also maybe a triple Axel." "She landed loop a couple of times [in practice] already," Morozov confirmed. "I like to work with Fumie; she is a very nice skater." Suguri, who is scheduled to compete at Skate Canada and Cup of Russia this fall, especially enjoys sharing the ice with another of Morozov's pupils, world junior champion Adam Rippon. "I need someone to push me; I'm so glad I'm skating with Adam," she said. "Boys jump harder than girls. It keeps up your motivation. It's so much different from the way girls practice." Suguri is also able to test her mettle against her countryman Oda, who began training at Ice House this spring. "This is a very nice place to train. The coach is great, and the other skaters are also great, so I am very happy here," the 21-year-old said. Both he and Suguri have settled in to apartments just 10 minutes from the rink. The 2008-09 season is a comeback for the diminutive Japanese athlete. In July 2007, while in his hometown of Osaka, he was cited by police for driving his moped under the influence of alcohol. The Japan Skating Federation suspended him from international competition until December 2007. Oda apologized for the incident, paid a fine and accepted the suspension. Although he could have competed at Japanese nationals for a spot on the world team, he elected to skip the season. "I was not glad to take off last year," he said. "But I think it was a very good time to think, 'Who am I? What should I do for the future?'" In his down time, Oda turned to Lori Nichol to choreograph two new programs. His short, set to Khachaturian's "Masquerade Waltz," was created in November 2007; his free to "Warsaw Concerto," a virtuoso piano piece, was done in February. Like Morozov's other pupils, Oda is planning to compete at the Moran Memorial Championships, held at Ice House in August. Because Oda did not compete last season, he is entered in just one fall Grand Prix event, Japan's NHK Trophy, in November. "I don't have two Grand Prix, only one, but I am also doing the Nebelhorn Trophy in Germany in September. I need the points," he explained. "My goal is, first of all, the podium at [Japanese] nationals. I want to make the world team. [Japan qualified three men for 2009 worlds.] After that, my goal is to do as many international competitions as possible and skate as well as I can. I would like to put the quad toe loop in both the short and long programs, if it goes well in practice." http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/270
271: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/25(金) 20:20:40 ID:pHj2QExH0 "When Fumie asked me, I asked Miki, and she said it's okay because when [Miki] was in Japan, she used to skate at the same rink as Fumie, [2006 Olympic champion] Shizuka Arakawa, everybody," he said. On this day in mid-July, Ando -- who withdrew from the 2008 ISU World Figure Skating Championships during the free skate after placing eighth in the short program -- declined questions, but Morozov said she is training well. "She had shoulder and leg injuries at worlds, but she is better now. She is even doing quad Salchows," he said. Suguri's new short is choreographed to the soundtrack of Fanfan, a 1992 French comedy romance. Suguri called it "little-known music." As for the long, she said, "We don't know yet. Nikolai has lots of ideas. We're thinking about different music." Technically, she is working to perfect a triple-triple combination as well as the triple loop, a jump she has not landed in recent competitions. "Nikolai has fixed [the loop] a lot," Suguri said. "I wish to have the loop this season and also maybe a triple Axel." "She landed loop a couple of times [in practice] already," Morozov confirmed. "I like to work with Fumie; she is a very nice skater." Suguri, who is scheduled to compete at Skate Canada and Cup of Russia this fall, especially enjoys sharing the ice with another of Morozov's pupils, world junior champion Adam Rippon. "I need someone to push me; I'm so glad I'm skating with Adam," she said. "Boys jump harder than girls. It keeps up your motivation. It's so much different from the way girls practice." Suguri is also able to test her mettle against her countryman Oda, who began training at Ice House this spring. "This is a very nice place to train. The coach is great, and the other skaters are also great, so I am very happy here," the 21-year-old said. Both he and Suguri have settled in to apartments just 10 minutes from the rink. The 2008-09 season is a comeback for the diminutive Japanese athlete. In July 2007, while in his hometown of Osaka, he was cited by police for driving his moped under the influence of alcohol. The Japan Skating Federation suspended him from international competition until December 2007. Oda apologized for the incident, paid a fine and accepted the suspension. Although he could have competed at Japanese nationals for a spot on the world team, he elected to skip the season. "I was not glad to take off last year," he said. "But I think it was a very good time to think, 'Who am I? What should I do for the future?'" In his down time, Oda turned to Lori Nichol to choreograph two new programs. His short, set to Khachaturian's "Masquerade Waltz," was created in November 2007; his free to "Warsaw Concerto," a virtuoso piano piece, was done in February. Like Morozov's other pupils, Oda is planning to compete at the Moran Memorial Championships, held at Ice House in August. Because Oda did not compete last season, he is entered in just one fall Grand Prix event, Japan's NHK Trophy, in November. "I don't have two Grand Prix, only one, but I am also doing the Nebelhorn Trophy in Germany in September. I need the points," he explained. "My goal is, first of all, the podium at [Japanese] nationals. I want to make the world team. [Japan qualified three men for 2009 worlds.] After that, my goal is to do as many international competitions as possible and skate as well as I can. I would like to put the quad toe loop in both the short and long programs, if it goes well in practice." http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/271
272: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/25(金) 20:44:15 ID:pHj2QExH0 "When Fumie asked me, I asked Miki, and she said it's okay because when [Miki] was in Japan, she used to skate at the same rink as Fumie, [2006 Olympic champion] Shizuka Arakawa, everybody," he said. On this day in mid-July, Ando -- who withdrew from the 2008 ISU World Figure Skating Championships during the free skate after placing eighth in the short program -- declined questions, but Morozov said she is training well. "She had shoulder and leg injuries at worlds, but she is better now. She is even doing quad Salchows," he said. Suguri's new short is choreographed to the soundtrack of Fanfan, a 1992 French comedy romance. Suguri called it "little-known music." As for the long, she said, "We don't know yet. Nikolai has lots of ideas. We're thinking about different music." Technically, she is working to perfect a triple-triple combination as well as the triple loop, a jump she has not landed in recent competitions. "Nikolai has fixed [the loop] a lot," Suguri said. "I wish to have the loop this season and also maybe a triple Axel." "She landed loop a couple of times [in practice] already," Morozov confirmed. "I like to work with Fumie; she is a very nice skater." Suguri, who is scheduled to compete at Skate Canada and Cup of Russia this fall, especially enjoys sharing the ice with another of Morozov's pupils, world junior champion Adam Rippon. "I need someone to push me; I'm so glad I'm skating with Adam," she said. "Boys jump harder than girls. It keeps up your motivation. It's so much different from the way girls practice." Suguri is also able to test her mettle against her countryman Oda, who began training at Ice House this spring. "This is a very nice place to train. The coach is great, and the other skaters are also great, so I am very happy here," the 21-year-old said. Both he and Suguri have settled in to apartments just 10 minutes from the rink. The 2008-09 season is a comeback for the diminutive Japanese athlete. In July 2007, while in his hometown of Osaka, he was cited by police for driving his moped under the influence of alcohol. The Japan Skating Federation suspended him from international competition until December 2007. Oda apologized for the incident, paid a fine and accepted the suspension. Although he could have competed at Japanese nationals for a spot on the world team, he elected to skip the season. "I was not glad to take off last year," he said. "But I think it was a very good time to think, 'Who am I? What should I do for the future?'" In his down time, Oda turned to Lori Nichol to choreograph two new programs. His short, set to Khachaturian's "Masquerade Waltz," was created in November 2007; his free to "Warsaw Concerto," a virtuoso piano piece, was done in February. Like Morozov's other pupils, Oda is planning to compete at the Moran Memorial Championships, held at Ice House in August. Because Oda did not compete last season, he is entered in just one fall Grand Prix event, Japan's NHK Trophy, in November. "I don't have two Grand Prix, only one, but I am also doing the Nebelhorn Trophy in Germany in September. I need the points," he explained. "My goal is, first of all, the podium at [Japanese] nationals. I want to make the world team. [Japan qualified three men for 2009 worlds.] After that, my goal is to do as many international competitions as possible and skate as well as I can. I would like to put the quad toe loop in both the short and long programs, if it goes well in practice." http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/272
273: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/25(金) 20:44:45 ID:pHj2QExH0 "When Fumie asked me, I asked Miki, and she said it's okay because when [Miki] was in Japan, she used to skate at the same rink as Fumie, [2006 Olympic champion] Shizuka Arakawa, everybody," he said. On this day in mid-July, Ando -- who withdrew from the 2008 ISU World Figure Skating Championships during the free skate after placing eighth in the short program -- declined questions, but Morozov said she is training well. "She had shoulder and leg injuries at worlds, but she is better now. She is even doing quad Salchows," he said. Suguri's new short is choreographed to the soundtrack of Fanfan, a 1992 French comedy romance. Suguri called it "little-known music." As for the long, she said, "We don't know yet. Nikolai has lots of ideas. We're thinking about different music." Technically, she is working to perfect a triple-triple combination as well as the triple loop, a jump she has not landed in recent competitions. "Nikolai has fixed [the loop] a lot," Suguri said. "I wish to have the loop this season and also maybe a triple Axel." "She landed loop a couple of times [in practice] already," Morozov confirmed. "I like to work with Fumie; she is a very nice skater." Suguri, who is scheduled to compete at Skate Canada and Cup of Russia this fall, especially enjoys sharing the ice with another of Morozov's pupils, world junior champion Adam Rippon. "I need someone to push me; I'm so glad I'm skating with Adam," she said. "Boys jump harder than girls. It keeps up your motivation. It's so much different from the way girls practice." Suguri is also able to test her mettle against her countryman Oda, who began training at Ice House this spring. "This is a very nice place to train. The coach is great, and the other skaters are also great, so I am very happy here," the 21-year-old said. Both he and Suguri have settled in to apartments just 10 minutes from the rink. The 2008-09 season is a comeback for the diminutive Japanese athlete. In July 2007, while in his hometown of Osaka, he was cited by police for driving his moped under the influence of alcohol. The Japan Skating Federation suspended him from international competition until December 2007. Oda apologized for the incident, paid a fine and accepted the suspension. Although he could have competed at Japanese nationals for a spot on the world team, he elected to skip the season. "I was not glad to take off last year," he said. "But I think it was a very good time to think, 'Who am I? What should I do for the future?'" In his down time, Oda turned to Lori Nichol to choreograph two new programs. His short, set to Khachaturian's "Masquerade Waltz," was created in November 2007; his free to "Warsaw Concerto," a virtuoso piano piece, was done in February. Like Morozov's other pupils, Oda is planning to compete at the Moran Memorial Championships, held at Ice House in August. Because Oda did not compete last season, he is entered in just one fall Grand Prix event, Japan's NHK Trophy, in November. "I don't have two Grand Prix, only one, but I am also doing the Nebelhorn Trophy in Germany in September. I need the points," he explained. "My goal is, first of all, the podium at [Japanese] nationals. I want to make the world team. [Japan qualified three men for 2009 worlds.] After that, my goal is to do as many international competitions as possible and skate as well as I can. I would like to put the quad toe loop in both the short and long programs, if it goes well in practice." http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/273
274: 陽気な名無しさん [sage] 2008/07/25(金) 20:45:09 ID:pHj2QExH0 "When Fumie asked me, I asked Miki, and she said it's okay because when [Miki] was in Japan, she used to skate at the same rink as Fumie, [2006 Olympic champion] Shizuka Arakawa, everybody," he said. On this day in mid-July, Ando -- who withdrew from the 2008 ISU World Figure Skating Championships during the free skate after placing eighth in the short program -- declined questions, but Morozov said she is training well. "She had shoulder and leg injuries at worlds, but she is better now. She is even doing quad Salchows," he said. Suguri's new short is choreographed to the soundtrack of Fanfan, a 1992 French comedy romance. Suguri called it "little-known music." As for the long, she said, "We don't know yet. Nikolai has lots of ideas. We're thinking about different music." Technically, she is working to perfect a triple-triple combination as well as the triple loop, a jump she has not landed in recent competitions. "Nikolai has fixed [the loop] a lot," Suguri said. "I wish to have the loop this season and also maybe a triple Axel." "She landed loop a couple of times [in practice] already," Morozov confirmed. "I like to work with Fumie; she is a very nice skater." Suguri, who is scheduled to compete at Skate Canada and Cup of Russia this fall, especially enjoys sharing the ice with another of Morozov's pupils, world junior champion Adam Rippon. "I need someone to push me; I'm so glad I'm skating with Adam," she said. "Boys jump harder than girls. It keeps up your motivation. It's so much different from the way girls practice." Suguri is also able to test her mettle against her countryman Oda, who began training at Ice House this spring. "This is a very nice place to train. The coach is great, and the other skaters are also great, so I am very happy here," the 21-year-old said. Both he and Suguri have settled in to apartments just 10 minutes from the rink. The 2008-09 season is a comeback for the diminutive Japanese athlete. In July 2007, while in his hometown of Osaka, he was cited by police for driving his moped under the influence of alcohol. The Japan Skating Federation suspended him from international competition until December 2007. Oda apologized for the incident, paid a fine and accepted the suspension. Although he could have competed at Japanese nationals for a spot on the world team, he elected to skip the season. "I was not glad to take off last year," he said. "But I think it was a very good time to think, 'Who am I? What should I do for the future?'" In his down time, Oda turned to Lori Nichol to choreograph two new programs. His short, set to Khachaturian's "Masquerade Waltz," was created in November 2007; his free to "Warsaw Concerto," a virtuoso piano piece, was done in February. Like Morozov's other pupils, Oda is planning to compete at the Moran Memorial Championships, held at Ice House in August. Because Oda did not compete last season, he is entered in just one fall Grand Prix event, Japan's NHK Trophy, in November. "I don't have two Grand Prix, only one, but I am also doing the Nebelhorn Trophy in Germany in September. I need the points," he explained. "My goal is, first of all, the podium at [Japanese] nationals. I want to make the world team. [Japan qualified three men for 2009 worlds.] After that, my goal is to do as many international competitions as possible and skate as well as I can. I would like to put the quad toe loop in both the short and long programs, if it goes well in practice." http://tamae.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gaysaloon/1204209379/274
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