[過去ログ] ■ 改造ロックマンについて語るスレ ■Stage10 (955レス)
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218(2): Mike 2009/03/26(木) 22:40:23 ID:g8A49C6+(1)調 AAS
I will share my thoughts with you.
Well first of all, there was only 1 minor bug i encountered at the restart point before the room of ブライトマン. The scroll seemed to be messed up not allowing me to continue.
As for strong point/advantages, I like that you mixed it up alot placing different types of enemies in each ステージ, compared to the originals. And that you made alot of them, as well as bosses act faster which is nice.
And it's cool that some of the weapon icons in the pause menu look different, and the weapons themselves.
The difficulty is a bit easy.
The weak points/disadvantages in my opinion would be that there is far less graphical detail in most ステージ. They just seemed a bit plain. Though ファラオマン had a very interesting background.
You probably should have made the background in スカルマン use a different part of the BG Palette instead of being the same colors as the foreground.
Overall, it is not bad, and it is not the greatest ハックロム, but I would say, "average" for now.
I will look forward to more though, I hope my comments are alright.
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