[過去ログ] 【プリコネ】프리코네6584【💩糞運営💩】 (1002レス)

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(1): (もこりん) (ワッチョイW 7fd0-poWv []) 2022/03/26(土) 02:27:06 ID:cWzPNeHv0(1/3)調 AAS
Can you hear it? The somber bell
His main light when I see the shining stars

Can you feel it? Just take a breath
On this day your breath will be the breeze

On and on
Rings in the air
I can't stop thinking about you anymore

So special
Brand new day by day
My days are just for you

Target everyday, everyday
Your voice calling to me, pushing to me
Then you are with a mission, make me smile

I will get to see you, beyond the shines
In the story of us, sum of our mass(?)
Take me to paradise and make me smile

End all plight, every night we will make my love (re)vive
Yes that tar-get of when I look behind
You are
Always with me
Yes you are
あと 153 レスあります
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