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(11): 385 [sage_teoff] 2016/09/16(金) 01:01:09.16 ID:IMPbLUQS(1/12)調 AAS
e0144_ #5 # Master of the Game
j0187_ #第五章 # 遊戯名人

    Perpetual Novelty

!!!!!!!    e0147_
      the system can never get there. It is always
      unfolding, always in transition. In fact, if the
      system ever does react equilibrium, it isn't just
      stable. It's dead. And by the same token, said
      Holland, there's no point in imagining that the agents
      in the system can ever ``optimize'' their fitness, or
      their fitness, or their utilty, or whatever. The space
      of possibilities is too vast; they have no practical
      way of finding the optimum. The most they can ever do
      is to change and improve themselves systems are
      characterized by perpetual novelty.
       Multiple agents, building blocks, internal models,
      perpetual novelty---talking all this together, said
      Holland, it's no wonder that complex adaptive systems
      were so hard to analyze with standard mathematics.
      Most of the conventional techniques like calculus or
      linear analysis are very well suited to describe
      unchanging particles moving in a fixed environment.
      But to really get a deep understanding of the ecnnomy,
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