[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.3 (1001レス)
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680: 2014/04/23(水) 23:14:27.90 ID:b5aOgxml(1/4)調 AAS
Do incumbent operating staffs
plan or attempt to establish
a mirror site
or a guided site which enables 2ch.net
to obtain advertisement fee and
data utility fee?
681: 2014/04/23(水) 23:24:22.09 ID:b5aOgxml(2/4)調 AAS
I heard the advertisement companies
and data utilization companies
are warned to be put in lawsuit
by ex-managing staffs
in case where they pay money to 2ch.net.
So 2ch.net has no means to get income
sufficient to keep up servers,
which duly ushers in the stoppage of
service without pecuniary resources.
By establishing another site
and introducing users to such site,
these kinds of problems can be solved.
Because ad-companies and data-utilization
companies are set free from litigation.
This solution is very easy and everyone
can hit upon it. So I thought you have
already consider it.
Do you plan or try such countermeasures?
682: 2014/04/23(水) 23:27:42.43 ID:b5aOgxml(3/4)調 AAS
683(1): 2014/04/23(水) 23:43:38.55 ID:b5aOgxml(4/4)調 AAS
On the other hand
by this "guided site" approach
you may not right yourself at court
or over the internet, especially
among users.
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