[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part4 (986レス)
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733(1): 2006/12/01(金) 21:34:24 ID:ov19/lxG(1)調 AAS
Good morning Mr.Jim-san:)
Isn't the second of PINK-HON published yet?
734: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/02(土) 01:52:17 ID:??? AAS
>>731 What a great lesson!
>>732 Thanks, "Thar she blows!"
>>733 What a great idea, but who will publish it?
735(1): ◆DQN/9/VVV. 2006/12/04(月) 01:36:18 ID:YCzbIDEt(1)調 AAS
( ゚∀゚)∩ <She has a open book.
736(1): 2006/12/04(月) 11:21:32 ID:MP6ExIYU(1)調 AAS
Is there delicious food in San Francisco?
What is your favorite food?
737(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/05(火) 23:56:35 ID:??? AAS
>>736 I have given up delicious food. Now I am on the South Beach diet trying
to lose some fat.
San Francisco is full of excellent places to eat. Dim sum is my favorite food.
738(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/05(火) 23:57:38 ID:??? AAS
Look here
739: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/06(水) 02:15:43 ID:??? AAS
This board is as requested. I am working on making a blog site for our volunteers
so we can hear their ideas opinions and dreams. Sexy dreams I hope. (hehehehe)
The ranking on the front page seems to be working very well. A lot of really nice sites
linking to us now.
I am waiting for a new server to come online, then I will put an image board on it
for our local Megami
and the blog will be on that too.
I am having fun. I hope you are too!
740(1): ◆DQN/9/VVV. 2006/12/06(水) 06:37:47 ID:VIUkdtqe(1)調 AA×
741(1): 2006/12/06(水) 12:15:34 ID:8ReuaIsj(1)調 AAS
Wonderful board!! Thanks Jim-san! You're knockout admin!!
I'm praying for the success in your loss in weight.
742(1): 2006/12/06(水) 16:36:44 ID:cPXxSVaQ(1)調 AAS
Dim sum is very delicious! I like sweet dim sums.
The South Beach Diet is current topics in Japan too.
However, there is a person who has the doubt in the effect.
Please tell the impression of Jim-san of The South Beach Diet.
743(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/07(木) 16:22:42 ID:??? AAS
>>742 I have lost about 25 pounds in 2 months. It is working but it also makes me feel tired
all the time. There must be a way to just taste the chocolate, but not actually eat it.
Is it just me? Or is the taste part of the tongue for chocolate to far into the mouth
that you can't just taste it without eating it.
744: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/07(木) 16:24:16 ID:??? AAS
>>740 Looking forward to sexy dreams from The Megami....;)
>>741 Thanks, but I couldn't do anything without a little help from my friends.
745: 2006/12/08(金) 01:32:51 ID:1MdW7Yjc(1)調 AAS
Jim-san, You have a lot of good friends.
746: 2006/12/08(金) 15:00:57 ID:sRTvTzgc(1)調 AAS
Tired all the time?! It is very unpleasant.:'-(
I think that I'm glad when there is a more comfortable diet for Jim-san.
In Japan, the cacao is known to be good for health.
That's why chocolate without sugar and fat is selling in Japan. And soybean chocolate is popular, too.
A person who wants to like chocolate and to lose weight eats these. These is in United States?
The chocolate is very delicious! It's regrettable that a lot of chocolates are not eaten.
747: 2006/12/18(月) 05:24:15 ID:KAUX++yL(1)調 AAS
じむさん げんきですか?
わたしは げんきです。
おからだに きをつけてくださいね。
748: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/30(土) 12:02:38 ID:??? AAS
Finally I can get on the internet. I have been in the jungle again.
749: 2006/12/31(日) 00:29:58 ID:evMDBV9n(1)調 AAS
Means 'sweet jungle' ?
750: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/12/31(日) 04:59:41 ID:??? AAS
Hmm, maybe "sweat" jungle....;)
751: 2007/01/01(月) 00:08:39 ID:7P1cXqob(1)調 AAS
752: 2007/01/01(月) 00:13:22 ID:BnpyjaEN(1)調 AAS
753: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/01(月) 00:17:43 ID:??? AAS
Happy New Year
754: 2007/01/01(月) 00:23:54 ID:uEI+kJPc(1)調 AAS
Happy New Year
755: 【凶】 【1932円】 2007/01/01(月) 02:03:15 ID:DQtWDEOI(1)調 AAS
Happy New Year.
756(1): ξ=∂ヮ∂=ξやまオニイサマ☆ ◆7KBbCCGQs. 2007/01/01(月) 04:33:22 ID:tFt8XReC(1)調 AA×
757: ◆DQN/9/VVV. 2007/01/01(月) 05:01:26 ID:nzYCuFpc(1)調 AA×
758: ◆L52278G5EQ 2007/01/01(月) 12:10:15 ID:od3S5swf(1)調 AAS
Happy New Year.
759(1): Rosanarr ★ 2007/01/01(月) 12:20:54 ID:??? AAS
A Happy New Year!!
760(1): ◆7W/sro/8P. 2007/01/01(月) 16:14:54 ID:rm5f6W0/(1)調 AAS
Jim-san, A HAPPY NEW YEAR !!
761: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/02(火) 10:49:11 ID:??? AAS
>>759 >>760
Thanks guys. You too!
762(2): ◆DVwO4u6/Og 2007/01/04(木) 03:32:32 ID:ObDowxut(1)調 AAS
Hi Jim! and U all.
Happy New Year!!!
I said to bro tha I listen St wonder.
He said to me YOU SUCKwwww
You do not listen St wonder.
You hear St wonder.
Luv. U all.you and I♪
763: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/04(木) 03:58:15 ID:??? AAS
Happy New year
>>762 ◆DVwO4u6/Og
764: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/04(木) 04:00:16 ID:??? AAS
Happy New year
>>762 ◆DVwO4u6/Og
News site is updated. If you find any errors, please let me know
Next I will make a news page for 外部リンク:i.bbspink.com
765(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/04(木) 09:41:05 ID:??? AAS
The megami board is live. It would be really cool if our goddesses would use it.
I guess about 100 goddess threads right now. If they started using the megami board
the people that don't like to see pretty pictures would be happy.
766(1): 2007/01/04(木) 11:48:42 ID:Q71fJwSY(1/2)調 AAS
But, there are not formal Japanese name and a rule in the goddess board yet.
And, the work to make a link within the start page is from now, too.
The start of the goddess board is after these are finished.
Therefore, a goddess hasn't started a movement.
767(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/04(木) 15:22:13 ID:??? AAS
Yes I know that, I guess I am just excited to see it working...;)
768(1): 2007/01/04(木) 23:38:58 ID:Q71fJwSY(2/2)調 AAS
Oh it has understood.
That of you is a normal man's delusion.
I thought whether that was a remark as an administrator.
769: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/05(金) 17:26:01 ID:??? AAS
>>768 wow, at least someone thinks I am a normal man....:)
770(1): 2007/01/05(金) 20:40:47 ID:0IJzPlNj(1)調 AAS
Jim-san's PENIS.
771: 2007/01/05(金) 21:43:34 ID:R2mbuKNU(1)調 AAS
You should say a meat stick stylishly.
772: 2007/01/05(金) 22:42:56 ID:5slIyRfv(1)調 AAS
773: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/06(土) 10:55:28 ID:??? AAS
774: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/07(日) 10:36:07 ID:??? AAS
Wow, I am the top ranked photo on txtfoto.
Thanks everyone
775: 2007/01/07(日) 14:23:10 ID:XF0iqhri(1)調 AAS
776: 2007/01/07(日) 18:05:51 ID:WBGF8Sb2(1)調 AAS
777(1): ξ=∂ヮ∂=ξやまオニイサマ☆ ◆7KBbCCGQs. 2007/01/14(日) 00:52:54 ID:Xi/vSkoj(1)調 AA×
778: ◆DQN/9/VVV. 2007/01/14(日) 09:49:26 ID:AtnBVu8+(1)調 AA×
779(1): 2007/01/14(日) 18:31:02 ID:cSdbYk3/(1)調 AAS
If 2ch closed, BBS Pink is a live?
780: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/15(月) 03:24:47 ID:??? AAS
2ch is not closing, and of course bbspink will be alive.
781: 2007/01/15(月) 03:37:26 ID:l3ATwoNf(1)調 AAS
Article on tabloid newspaper of Japan
782: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/19(金) 17:19:25 ID:??? AAS
Thank you Lustrazor for fixing the headlines on the imode page.
Looks good otsu deshita!
783: Lustrazor ◆Vy49.XhkgE 2007/01/20(土) 07:40:36 ID:c0hCxZcf(1)調 AAS
You're welcome.
784(1): 2007/01/26(金) 22:31:08 ID:1lGpNyVA(1)調 AAS
785(1): 2007/01/26(金) 23:50:56 ID:8g5GIIJG(1)調 AAS
786(1): 2007/01/27(土) 00:33:50 ID:nHxfKUYo(1)調 AAS
There is no pink mackerel fall Sre.
787(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/28(日) 05:07:18 ID:??? AAS
I don't understand
788: ◆DQN/9/VVV. 2007/01/28(日) 05:48:30 ID:QB4ZPV+b(1)調 AAS
( ゚∀゚)∩ < Boys do a question about sever doun.
Boys ask a place reporting the thing.
2ch's ex.
789(1): 2007/01/28(日) 09:03:11 ID:SqjqElc7(1)調 AAS
They are reporting the server down of a pink server.
Is there a thread for the report? Do you mend the downed server? Please answer.
790(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/28(日) 13:20:02 ID:??? AAS
Which server is down?
791: 2007/01/28(日) 14:17:57 ID:ZDddGUxA(1)調 AAS
26/jan/2007 22:00-22:40 JST
792(1): 2007/01/28(日) 19:45:02 ID:T1a+Af7p(1)調 AAS
A definition clear of the megami board is not understood.
May I not move the thread only for the individual(sen-thread) to the megami board?
The photograph is put only a little.
It is an of course lawful photograph.
I'm sorry in poor English.
793(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/28(日) 21:20:46 ID:??? AAS
I want to see....:) of course I want to see lawful photograph. Lawful horny photos for me?
She me your boobs I want to see.
794(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/01/31(水) 23:34:41 ID:??? AAS
Here is an explanation for the small outage
795: 2007/02/01(木) 00:32:34 ID:4lc9n7lP(1)調 AAS
otsu desu!!
796(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/01(木) 10:48:52 ID:??? AAS
Yes please move your thread to the Megami board. It is best that way.
You could finish your thread on the current board you are using if you want,
then open the new thread on megami
Or you could move it now if you want.
what do you think?
797(1): 2007/02/01(木) 11:07:08 ID:KZvmN/Oz(1)調 AAS
I want to drink coffee.
798(1): 2007/02/01(木) 12:44:37 ID:SaFsTIrm(1/2)調 AAS
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part4
799: 2007/02/01(木) 12:46:28 ID:SaFsTIrm(2/2)調 AAS
>>798は誤爆です I'm sorry
800(3): 792 desu 2007/02/01(木) 13:44:54 ID:nZDM4a+/(1)調 AAS
Thank you,Jim-san.
Are you recognizing that the megami board is a board only for nakedness?
I think that I need not move to the megami board if it is appearance (not nude)
There is a woman who says, "Please do not call me megami", too.
801(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/02(金) 01:59:16 ID:??? AAS
The Megami board is not just for nakedness.
Some women might have a religious problem with being called megami. Lets not
call them megami if it bothers them. I just want to see their pictures...;)
802(2): Mie ◆RBaGsJNdOE 2007/02/02(金) 03:47:29 ID:0dHIQSQD(1/2)調 AAS
Nice to meet you!!!
Jim is nice guy & niceidea!!
Your idea is it's coolThey asked to be remembered to you.
I agree me to.
Well....soldier up until the mission is a ccomplished.
Have a nice evening.
see you.
ヾ(^_^) byebye!!
803(1): 2007/02/02(金) 03:52:27 ID:lcD3VYgN(1)調 AAS
804(2): 800 2007/02/02(金) 11:47:08 ID:QEl968+i(1)調 AA×
805: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/02(金) 15:57:18 ID:gRU1gvEX(1/6)調 AAS
>>793 訳
806: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/02(金) 15:58:49 ID:gRU1gvEX(2/6)調 AAS
>>794 訳
>>796 訳
807: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/02(金) 16:01:59 ID:gRU1gvEX(3/6)調 AAS
>>797 訳 translation
>>800 訳 translation
808: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/02(金) 16:03:19 ID:gRU1gvEX(4/6)調 AAS
>>801 訳
809: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/02(金) 16:06:37 ID:gRU1gvEX(5/6)調 AAS
>>802 訳
>>803 translation
Wow, you can undersnatd English, that's great
810: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/02(金) 16:08:35 ID:gRU1gvEX(6/6)調 AAS
>>804 訳
じゃ、またね! ばいばい! 乙です
811: ◆RBaGsJNdOE 2007/02/02(金) 16:21:55 ID:0dHIQSQD(2/2)調 AAS
812: 2007/02/03(土) 02:24:55 ID:GpfULdA3(1)調 AAS
Mr. Jim closedown hope.
813: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/03(土) 20:02:54 ID:??? AAS
I finally got Windows Vista installed on my PC. It is great! The sidebar works well
and I have already installed a lot of rss feeds in it.
814: 2007/02/04(日) 08:45:43 ID:wsTKS4Fy(1/4)調 AAS
I will think about a human ideal method than a problem of a PC.
815(1): 2007/02/04(日) 08:47:46 ID:wsTKS4Fy(2/4)調 AAS
An act to upload that will be a chest is unfilial.
816: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/04(日) 09:08:11 ID:??? AAS
Chest or breast?
817(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/04(日) 09:14:20 ID:??? AAS
If you don't want to move your megami thread to the megami board
it is ok, but
you need to explain why you don't want to move it, and make sure it does not violate
the local rules of the board your thread is on.
I am hoping the megami board will become a consolidation of the megami threads.
818(1): 804 2007/02/04(日) 10:49:54 ID:/Onsu2sC(1)調 AAS
Hello Jim-san.
Thank you for teaching.
It tries within the range of a local rule.
It is not a denial of the Megami board and this is understood ..selfish...
I also install "Windows VISTA" today.
It is the enjoyment.
ε=ε=(ノ^▽^)ノ。ye-bye ノシ
819: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/04(日) 13:05:58 ID:??? AAS
>>818 Good luck with Vista. I am trying to get it to recognize more than 4 Gigs of memory
now. I installed 4 Gigs and saw my first blue screen of desu since I had Windows ME.
I took one stick out and put in a 512 Meg stick and runs flawlessly on 3.5 Gigs.
PC 3200 DDR 400 ram
820(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/02/04(日) 15:06:41 ID:lliEPkzP(1)調 AAS
Is anyone playing AlexaDex? People ask me what games I play. I finally found one I like.
It is a stock market game except instead of stock Domain names are listed.
This is my first buy.
# 2007-02-03 ? bought 10 pinktower.com @ $155
# 2007-02-03 ? bought 100 sexyasia.com @ $15
# 2007-02-03 ? bought 10 bbspink.com @ $450
Here is the site.
I made a group for people that are interested in playing
821: 2007/02/04(日) 19:07:17 ID:wsTKS4Fy(3/4)調 AAS
A merit to administer even if I understand that I am illegal?
822(1): 2007/02/04(日) 19:09:24 ID:wsTKS4Fy(4/4)調 AAS
How will about a plan to be said to talk with a Japanese lawyer?
823(3): 2007/02/04(日) 23:49:24 ID:Q7mSfWqr(1)調 AAS
824(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/02/05(月) 00:22:35 ID:NuPEg9Mj(1/2)調 AAS
It is on cream105.maido3.com now, fsck is being run, it should come up soon.
825: 2007/02/05(月) 01:33:06 ID:NuPEg9Mj(2/2)調 AAS
It is up again
826(2): 823 2007/02/05(月) 01:38:38 ID:zx89RUVX(1)調 AA×
827(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/05(月) 03:32:15 ID:??? AAS
>>826 me too! waku waku teka teka
windows vista DVD is in my computer again. It is time for the repair function.
Vista is the most fun since Windows 95 it has so many bugs. I have 3 different firewire
devices in my PC and I am trying to get at least 1 to work, but none of them
seem to be supported....:(
828(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/05(月) 06:55:33 ID:??? AAS
Motherboard failure...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not going to blame the motherboard failure on Windows vista.
I have 5 year free replacement at Polywell, so I will go there tomorrow.
>>826 Me too...;(
Is the discussion going to get to intense about Megami if I suggest something else?
We could install the "WakabaScript"
and make it an image discussion board.
829: 2007/02/05(月) 13:51:50 ID:BXudCuxi(1/4)調 AAS
sakura01 鯖、落ちてます?
830: 2007/02/05(月) 13:54:38 ID:FVkphijU(1)調 AAS
831(1): 2007/02/05(月) 14:07:27 ID:BXudCuxi(2/4)調 AAS
_ ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Reboot!Reboot!
832(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/05(月) 14:39:43 ID:??? AAS
Chris at pie is working on it. Hopefully it will be up again soon.
The problem is our Pink channel servers are getting old.
833: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/05(月) 14:58:41 ID:??? AAS
>>832 Good work Chris
Otsu deshita
834: 2007/02/05(月) 15:00:31 ID:BXudCuxi(3/4)調 AAS
835(1): 2007/02/05(月) 16:28:28 ID:BXudCuxi(4/4)調 AAS
A past log server
○ 外部リンク[cgi]:banana702.maido3.com
× 外部リンク[cgi]:cream105.maido3.com
( 外部リンク[cgi]:pink.bbspink.com )
Can you revise error 500?
836: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/06(火) 00:37:33 ID:??? AAS
No I can not do it, because I don't have access to the code. read.cgi is compiled.
Fox, or Toru-san could do it. I would be really happy if they helped with that.
837(1): 2007/02/06(火) 03:26:20 ID:yNOKFQtv(1)調 AAS
(Software translation)
no use only by your hoping.
Even if you talk to yourself here, it is useless.
If you hope for their help, please negotiate to them directly.
適切な訳や誤訳の訂正等あれば、お願いします。m(_ _)m
838: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/06(火) 08:08:25 ID:FPww0II4(1/2)調 AAS
We have been trying to keep direct contact too many times,
and who are ( or is ) refusing?
I feel tired now ventually.
maybe too eraly to replace ofr refresh servers?
I do not know.
then we just are going to do what we can do.
839: ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/06(火) 08:11:11 ID:FPww0II4(2/2)調 AAS
everyone should be replaceable.
that is the safest way for a certain system.
and now, we can not do anything what we want or what we need to do.
840: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/06(火) 08:11:53 ID:??? AAS
ahem, it is better to discuss it here, it is a public interest subject.
First new servers have to be decided on. Right now bbspink uses 9 servers.
cream105.maido3.com <for kakologs
4 of these are very busy and the other 4 are very old.
I am going to purchase 4 new servers sometime this month.
They will be replaced in this order.
1. www.bbspink.com
2. news.bbspink.com
3. deleter.bbspink.com
4. sakura01.bbspink.com
(sakura01 is last on the list not because of its priority, but because I need
to schedule with fox or toru to complete that upgrade. There time is very precious
so it will happen when they can get to it.)
841: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/06(火) 10:27:25 ID:??? AAS
If anyone is interested, we put together some video from the power upgrade at PIE.
842(1): ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/07(水) 08:16:01 ID:NlFo3iGg(1)調 AAS
Please do not order servers yet.
what you need to do, we are going to tell you from the actual scene.
Fiest of all, you are going to have to make a space for KAKO-logs,
which are going to be made plenty of them, when you updrade your servers.
which is the same one as oyster 910 ( suma ) on 2ch.
nasu banana has benn already prepared ( confirmation of system operation capabilities has been done already )
so you can use that one.
but I have forgotten things for RAID, so you gotta make sure if it is ( they are ) fine.
after that, you are going to start preparing servers which are for BBS.
however, we are not sure if banana290 is ok or not.
we need to do testings and confirmations more to figure out which type of HDD is the best,
which RAM memories are the best, and they might be going to be changed.
to get the best servers for the best system, woulkd you mind waiting for ordering servers?
843: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/07(水) 11:12:11 ID:??? AAS
Thank you for translation.
844: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/07(水) 11:56:46 ID:??? AAS
>>828 I just got my PC back. Can you say upgrade?
4 Gigs of ddr2 800 ram Gforce 8800 graphic card and a core duo quad extreme processor.
I am ready to hunt bear......:)
845(1): 2007/02/07(水) 15:33:20 ID:YYgb9hDb(1)調 AAS
■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007 【pink】
■ Server Refresh Project 2007 【pink】 ←Suitable translation
846: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/07(水) 15:48:18 ID:??? AAS
Very cool
847(1): 2007/02/08(木) 02:43:32 ID:BMkYaEpT(1)調 AAS
Why pinknanmin board?
848: 2007/02/08(木) 02:58:43 ID:53bg0TSs(1)調 AAS
>>847 why not
849(1): 2007/02/08(木) 02:59:48 ID:XaGsKiko(1)調 AAS
FOX said it is the only board he knows.
(it probably means he insists he isn't pinker. only help.)
850: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/08(木) 15:08:30 ID:??? AAS
Yes, he is only helping he is not a pinker.
851: 2007/02/08(木) 16:18:13 ID:1BHLB/ub(1)調 AAS
852(1): 2007/02/08(木) 23:15:37 ID:gI6TOheE(1)調 AAS
Jim-san, do you have interest the Sun's CooTthread servers?
853(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/09(金) 00:55:00 ID:??? AAS
>>852 I had a Sun spark server before. It was very powerful, but also very
expensive. I have heard that the new Sun servers use less power.
854(1): ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/02/09(金) 05:02:54 ID:2BTk+fsg(1)調 AAS
Good morning, Jim-san.
I have a question.
some deletion requests are coming which say that some postings on bbspink violate
some persons' copy right.
we do not have certain descriptions which mention about copy right in our deletion guide line.
*we have one which is concerned with ''links''
for ex,
How should we deal with the postings like '' song lyrics''?
855(1): 2007/02/09(金) 14:54:51 ID:UKHJ8XNH(1)調 AAS
This new Server product is CoolThread server.
T1000 basic system is not expensive, from $3995(less than 122 oyster).
× spark
○ Sparc
856: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/09(金) 15:02:45 ID:??? AAS
If you are in doubt don't delete it. I think discussing song lyrics
is appropriate on a site like Pink channel.
Linking to lyrics is certainly allowed.
>>855 Looks like an interesting server. Support is a big concern
for us as well. Currently we use Polywell servers, for two reasons.
5 year service agreement, and they are the closest and fasted company
for us to get repairs from.
857: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/02/10(土) 04:12:54 ID:??? AAS
I want to encourage the ladies to show us their boobs.
If you have something bad to say please don't post it to megami board
Please use ccc. The chinese don't seem to be using it. I think they
have a charset ploblem....;)
858(4): Itadaki ◆QNUItadakI 2007/02/10(土) 09:54:52 ID:gU2oWE7t(1)調 AAS
859(2): 2007/02/10(土) 09:58:46 ID:28ArjG4N(1/2)調 AAS
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