[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)
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(1): 2006/08/16(水) 01:41:14 ID:R/OiKxkB(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san

Please read >>269.
Toru-san said that he sent an email about volunteers.
So, we understood that the information was already sent to you.
If you did not receive the email, it is proper to think that there was a problem in email-line among Toru-san with you .

Toru-san informed you of having sent the email to you by 269.
So (if you did not receive it), you should have taken action and tell it to Toru-san, I think.
Because of there was no action, we misunderstood that you already received the email,and you did not react for it.

If there was failure of simple communication, please begin by restoring it.
466: Bon ◆QV7UX5Tcbk 2006/08/16(水) 04:06:19 ID:6O6V1xt9(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san

I agree with >>460 san.
TO-RU san declared here that he sent mail to Jim-san. You were able to read it. >>269
He believed that it was able to be sent to you. You had the method for the confirmation.
But you nothing but left the problem.
I think that you only had to say to him at that time, "I have not received it".

When seeing from you, TO-RU san or IZUMI san might be dissenters only of inquisitive.
However, they seem always to be making an effort to give necessary information for you and
to talk with you, I think.
I sincerely hope you do the handshake of reconciliation with them.
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