[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)
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(1): 2006/08/15(火) 13:54:35 ID:iQOWlJji(1)調 AAS
A person good at English conversation is not necessarily excellent as the volunteer of PINKBBS.
The friend who is with Mr. jim is not necessarily excellent as the volunteer of PINKBBS.

The person who has run for the volunteer here is not necessarily a good man.

The person who decides the Japanese volunteer's adoption should have it.

HIROYUKI-san of manager of 2ch.
TORU-san that did management assistance of 2ch.
Excellent IZUMI-san.
Experience, knowledge, and Japanese ability equal with these three people.

Please hear the voice of TORU-san and IZUMI-san more.
For the happiness of the user of PINKBBS.
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