[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san (1001レス)
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796(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:18:37 ID:I/JZY30u(8/15)調 BE AAS
Followup is better than following. Sorry.
So, my English is still elementary level.
The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture makes sometimes us growing.
So, let's communicate!
797(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:25:22 ID:I/JZY30u(9/15)調 BE AAS
The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture makes sometimes us growing.
should be:
The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture sometimes makes us growing.
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