[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san (1001レス)
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866(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 00:10:38 ID:7DTX/rsa(1/13)調 AAS
>>864 ok now we should make a list:
* Telephone numbers of private #3 style people should be deleted.
* email address that is for spam or that is being attacked should be deleted.
* urls that do not have anything to do with the conversation should be deleted.
Please make additions to this list. When it is compiled, then lets subtract what is duplicate,
or not necessary. Then we will compare to the 2ch deletion policy, and edit and post our own policy.
870: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 00:36:06 ID:7DTX/rsa(2/13)調 AAS
>>867 It is safe with SSL encryption.
872: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 02:24:36 ID:7DTX/rsa(3/13)調 AAS
>>871 どういたしまして
877: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 07:47:10 ID:7DTX/rsa(4/13)調 AAS
>>876 Adult age in USA is 18 years old. I will allow any post from anyone over the age of 18.
Bomb threats should be reported to the police. IP address must be done by a sys admin.
Deleters could request that, but must be done by admin.
IP addresses will not be released to the public for any post, that is really against the meaning of this site.
878(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 07:48:34 ID:7DTX/rsa(5/13)調 AAS
>>875 Similar to cross posting on USENET. Yes that is spam too.
883(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 09:21:38 ID:7DTX/rsa(6/13)調 AAS
>>881 done
902(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 11:51:16 ID:7DTX/rsa(7/13)調 AAS
>>890 answer is 18
and I posted the reason behind that here.
907: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 11:58:47 ID:7DTX/rsa(8/13)調 AAS
So lets add to the volunteer list those that have volunteered since the last round-up.
Remember if anyone has a valid reason for these volunteers not to be accepted it must be discussed here.
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
If I have missed someone please post it. We still need more I think.
910(5): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 12:07:39 ID:7DTX/rsa(9/13)調 AAS
Lets update our rules of deletion with the suggestions that have come in so far.
After we are done with this. lets compare to 2ch rules. in most cases we will follow those.
They are pretty good, and very long. Making me very sleepy everytime I read the translation I have.
So we will have both words, from that and deeds from the list we make here. What we actually do.
* Telephone numbers of private #3 style people should be deleted.
* email address that is for spam or that is being attacked should be deleted.
* urls that do not have anything to do with the conversation should be deleted.
* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards.
* Postings from someone that is under the age of 18.
914: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 12:14:28 ID:7DTX/rsa(10/13)調 AAS
>>906 Thank you for your input, I am sorry to hear of your retirement.
If you can think of a better way, please let me know, unless the arthritis is to hard on your
fingers for typing.....;)
I have not seen any complaints on this board about any of the volunteers so far.
923: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 13:14:37 ID:7DTX/rsa(11/13)調 AAS
Your help is appreciated. I am happy to hear all the advice you have.
It is better to learn from mistakes, then make the same mistakes over again.
925(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 13:17:07 ID:7DTX/rsa(12/13)調 AAS
hai lets have fun! かんぱい
951(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水) 23:39:21 ID:7DTX/rsa(13/13)調 AAS
volunteer update
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
Any complaints about the volunteers they must be made here, or on the next thread.
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