[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san (1001レス)
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874: ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/26(水) 04:19:12 ID:TSSyg7SN(1/11)調 AAS
Thank you for adding me as a volunteer, sir.
I am very interested in the development of BBSPINK system including writing script, networking servers, and blocking spammers, not only deletion.
I have some experience for those on my own sites.
I would like to try and learn from BBSPINK, because it is a very big site, and I like here as one of the user.
I think "self-return system" means that someone tells about himself/herself without showing any identification.
For example,
you believe me when I say "I am over 21 years old." without showing ID, it is self-return system.
875(1): ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/26(水) 04:35:34 ID:TSSyg7SN(2/11)調 AAS
I have another idea about spam.
Multiple same postings is spam, even if it is not on the same board.
I would say more than three same posting is spam.
876(1): ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/26(水) 05:54:46 ID:TSSyg7SN(3/11)調 AAS
I think it is a good idea to open the IP address to the public when a user writes about doing a crime, like
"I set a bomb at Shinjuku Station.", "I will kill (somebody) tonight."
If a user tells he/she is under 21 years old, all his/her posting should be deleted.
Moreover, blocking his/her IP address is kindness, I guess.
881(2): ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/26(水) 08:39:54 ID:TSSyg7SN(4/11)調 AAS
I am going to write using another word about >>879 and >>880 since I have a same question with him.
Currently, there is a caution not to enter under 21 years old on the top page of BBSPINK.
Are you going to change this caution, Jim?
884(2): ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/26(水) 09:34:58 ID:TSSyg7SN(5/11)調 AAS
Oh, my goodness, you did it! LOL
I am sure many are worry about it, because we want to stay under the 2ch links.
Let's see others say some opinions.
886(1): ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/26(水) 10:00:55 ID:TSSyg7SN(6/11)調 AAS
By the way, I change my trip from ◆qQ8fvMdINQ to ◆MARY/2Kkkc.
Call me Sexy Mary or Mary.
889(1): ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/26(水) 10:55:29 ID:TSSyg7SN(7/11)調 AAS
Thank you for proving that ◆qQ8fvMdINQ = ◆MARY/2Kkkc.
May I ask you to make Cap as "性母マリア" for me, Mumumu-san?
912: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/26(水) 12:10:23 ID:TSSyg7SN(8/11)調 AAS
Alright. Sexy Mary is with you, sir.
924: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/26(水) 13:15:21 ID:TSSyg7SN(9/11)調 AAS
Toru-san, not to think difficult.
Let's have fun to build up the new BBSPINK ;-p
926: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/26(水) 13:18:44 ID:TSSyg7SN(10/11)調 AAS
929: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/26(水) 13:28:32 ID:TSSyg7SN(11/11)調 AAS
>>928 ;-p
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