[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san (1001レス)

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(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 02:28:10 ID:mRggU16k(7/18)調 AAS
heheheheheeh Apparently admin hehehehe
681: 770 2006/07/22(土) 02:29:58 ID:+ATHDFbR(4/6)調 AAS
Mmm... I agree what 'you said.
Of co'rce, I hope a gal who can squirt is sweet'n'nice.

(I hadda study English hard when I was in high school...; _,,_) <my honest opinion

Sometimes 'cap'(★) is used for enjoying chat.
682: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 02:30:17 ID:xSyq/e1Z(4/22)調 BE AAS
Exactly, but management mark is Jim's one.
All other's are not management mark, of course (including you and me).

And I will make two volunteer handle name for your official work for
BBSPINK, one is for your personal official work and the other is
Sakura Plus's official work.

I think the cap handle of Sakura Plus's official work should be shared
Jim and you. So, I will email to you your personal cap handle,
and I will email to Jim and you Sakura Plus's official cap handle.

683: ◆uRW6KoTaRo 2006/07/22(土) 02:30:34 ID:OxdQrey0(2/3)調 AAS
Then, where are the points whitch we must Laugh?
684: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 02:32:58 ID:xSyq/e1Z(5/22)調 BE AAS
Is it good?

So, you know it means "The Hiroyuki's Mind".
Congratulatiuons! Only you can use this for BBSPINK admin.
I think you are very proud for it.

And I will work for this, so I am momentarily offline, please wait a moment.
685: ◆79EROOYuCc 2006/07/22(土) 02:35:01 ID:Lc4eMGBX(9/11)調 AAS

why don't you guys join us? ones who are just watching us.
(4): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 02:37:04 ID:mRggU16k(8/18)調 AAS
>> 669
yes step by step. There is no hurry to change something that is working well.
The deletion process itself should not change much. I think the point is who
is responsible for deletions and what should be deleted. These are minor details
to most users.
>> 683 Please laugh at it all, I find it funny, and am happy at the same time
to hear others laugh
687: ◆79EROOYuCc 2006/07/22(土) 02:40:34 ID:Lc4eMGBX(10/11)調 AAS
>>686 Jim,

bbspink is going to be separated from 2ch system.
bbspink is still using 2ch system, but I guess we won't be able to anymore very soon.
so we'll have to find the way to make things work though.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 02:41:38 ID:mRggU16k(9/18)調 AAS
I only have 20 more minutes I can do this until really early in your morning.
Please post quick and I will reply later.
689: 2006/07/22(土) 02:42:51 ID:y1jICZ6W(1/3)調 AAS
not >> 669
ok >>669

I think it is easy to see this obviously for us.
690: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 02:43:43 ID:xSyq/e1Z(6/22)調 BE AAS
> I only have 20 more minutes I can do this until really early in your morning.
> Please post quick and I will reply later.

Oh, I put email in a hurry, so, I will do make "Apparently admin ★" sooner.
Other two caps will make later. Please wait a moment.
(1): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 02:45:04 ID:fGCb8rsD(1/11)調 AAS
Oh! Jim-san came.
We are happy.
(1): ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/22(土) 02:46:17 ID:wcVs5e2h(2/4)調 AAS
>what should be deleted.

We can still use 2channel Guideline for now.
Do we talk about new guideline later?
I want you to stop our confusion at first, please.
693: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 02:49:15 ID:mRggU16k(10/18)調 AAS
>>692 Yes of course, until we have discussed and people have brought up valid reasons
to me for changing the current 2ch guideline, then we wil use that
as our official guide. I am certain that Hiroyuki has a reason for it to read the
way it does, and he is probably the best man I know. I will follow his guide
and we will only edit it some in the future to fit in with the adult nature
of our boards.
(1): ◆uRW6KoTaRo 2006/07/22(土) 02:49:19 ID:OxdQrey0(3/3)調 AAS
OK,OK! I'm happy! You're happy,too!
Let's run toward that setting sun!!
It's youthfulness!!
695: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 02:50:25 ID:xSyq/e1Z(7/22)調 BE AAS
Just I sent how to use cap handle and cap password for "Apparently admin ★".

Jim-san, please read email and you can test it in this thread.

696: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 02:53:17 ID:xSyq/e1Z(8/22)調 BE AAS
Izumi-san, do you receive Jim-san's reply?

Jim-san, I emailed your email address to Izumi-san.
He is the voluntary deleter on 2ch, and he wants to know some
deletion policies on BBSPINK.

I think that he is a person who can trust it for deletion.
If you can, please reply to him.
697: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 02:53:34 ID:mRggU16k(11/18)調 AAS
>>694 I like that. I will post it on my blog
and believe me I know how important deletion is. I have terrible problem with
spam on Electric buddha.
(3): ◆79EROOYuCc 2006/07/22(土) 02:53:37 ID:Lc4eMGBX(11/11)調 AAS
all right, I am so sleepy and hungry, I gattago
see you soon again.
699: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 02:54:11 ID:xSyq/e1Z(9/22)調 BE AAS

(2): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 03:00:59 ID:fGCb8rsD(2/11)調 AAS
Sorry, Jim-san,
I have sent impolite mail to you.
I was in a hurry.
I make an effort to help you if you are active.
701: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:01:08 ID:xSyq/e1Z(10/22)調 BE AAS
Oh, I've got a miss.
I am not sure where 79-san is.
So, the time zone for her is not actual. Sorry. >>698
702: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 03:02:23 ID:fGCb8rsD(3/11)調 AAS
c u
(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 03:03:59 ID:mRggU16k(12/18)調 AAS
>>700 だいじょぶ
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:04:55 ID:xSyq/e1Z(11/22)調 BE AAS
Jim-san is clever and gentle, so please don't hesitate for communicating him.

To: all users,
Of course, the above can be applied for all 2ch and BBSPINK users.

I will make "the gateway thread" for publishing your official opinion.
So, you can write this thread by using your cap handle for publishing
your thinking publicly.
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:06:31 ID:xSyq/e1Z(12/22)調 BE AAS
Oh, good Japanese.

To: All,
Jim has the simple English-Japanese translation library for putting
'copy-paste' operation. So, it is a pretty little joke of him. :-)
(1): 2006/07/22(土) 03:07:48 ID:7SDDsM6u(1/2)調 AAS
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 03:08:53 ID:mRggU16k(13/18)調 AAS
>>705 Fox taught me proper romanj spelling. It helps a lot.
708: 770 2006/07/22(土) 03:09:04 ID:+ATHDFbR(5/6)調 AAS
My friend has come at >>706.
709: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:09:58 ID:xSyq/e1Z(13/22)調 BE AAS

I teach the magic word for administration.

Otsu-desu おつです

This is the magic word for administrating 2ch bbs.
He uses it for controlling over 100 volunteers without any money, including me.

So, as you already know, he is very bad guy. :-)
(1): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 03:10:16 ID:fGCb8rsD(4/11)調 AAS

I can see >>704 is true from >>703.
711: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:11:21 ID:xSyq/e1Z(14/22)調 BE AAS
Oh, all of your Japanese words are Fox's input?

I understand. Hehehe.
712: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:12:05 ID:xSyq/e1Z(15/22)調 BE AAS
It is good.
713: 2006/07/22(土) 03:12:58 ID:7SDDsM6u(2/2)調 AAS
714: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:13:38 ID:xSyq/e1Z(16/22)調 BE AAS

I already emailed how to use the "Apparently admin ★" cap.
Please try it.
(1): ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/22(土) 03:13:51 ID:wcVs5e2h(3/4)調 AAS
one more thing.

>who is responsible for deletions

It is too hard to find somebody who has responsible without money,
but it is easy to find who is in charge for deletions.
2channel Guideline says deleters has no responsible, but Hiroyuki has all responsible.
That is why he has many volunteers.
(1): 2006/07/22(土) 03:13:57 ID:WKW6eazj(1)調 AAS
imakita industry
(2): 770 2006/07/22(土) 03:15:30 ID:+ATHDFbR(6/6)調 AAS
Can he use some kanji(Chinese-Charactors)?
718: 2006/07/22(土) 03:17:52 ID:nOFcjxiK(5/7)調 AAS
I think of you everyday,everynight.

It is a lie.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 03:19:41 ID:mRggU16k(14/18)調 AAS
>>717 I can spell my name and read street signs.
720: 2006/07/22(土) 03:20:32 ID:nOFcjxiK(6/7)調 AAS
cunnilings = くんに
(2): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 03:21:32 ID:fGCb8rsD(5/11)調 AAS
If Meiryo Font is used, Japanese can be displayed.
I encourage Meiryo Font.
722: 770 2006/07/22(土) 03:23:01 ID:vOTl/pU+(1/3)調 AAS
Oops, ID has changed.

Oh, I see.
(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/07/22(土) 03:23:41 ID:??? AAS
>>715 I am and always have been completely responsible for bbspink.
724: 2006/07/22(土) 03:24:02 ID:nOFcjxiK(7/7)調 AAS
no no Jim is 侍夢.  It's Samurai's dream.
725: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:24:44 ID:xSyq/e1Z(17/22)調 BE AAS
Izumi-san, don't worry.
Jim-san can see all Japanese characters on BBSPINK.

But it is not sure that all of them can be read by him. :-)
726: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:25:22 ID:xSyq/e1Z(18/22)調 BE AAS
Oh, very good!!

This is very CLEAR. Thank you for writing.
727: 2006/07/22(土) 03:25:23 ID:CjwwndAD(2/4)調 AAS

I'm coming.
Tell me the situation on 3 lines.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 03:25:57 ID:mRggU16k(15/18)調 AAS
Thanks mumumu Apparently admin works.
(2): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 03:30:02 ID:xSyq/e1Z(19/22)調 BE AAS
Dou itashi mashite.

I have to complete my work for making other two cap handle.

One is the cap handle for 79, it is "Nark ★".
It is derived from the pronounciation of the Japanese of "79".
I think is is suitable for her.

And another cap is "SakuraPlus ★".
This is for official announce SakuraPlus Inc. And I will email
the handle of it to you and 79.
730: ◆qQ8fvMdINQ 2006/07/22(土) 03:33:10 ID:wcVs5e2h(4/4)調 AAS
Thank you, Jim.
You are such a nice guy.
I will help you as much as I can.
731: 770 2006/07/22(土) 03:34:06 ID:vOTl/pU+(2/3)調 AAS
79 doesn't like that handle 'Nark ★' , does he?
732: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 03:36:50 ID:fGCb8rsD(6/11)調 AAS
This is new one step of BBSPINK.
733: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 03:37:22 ID:??? BE AAS
I completed my work for >>729 so my work for it is done.

Otsu-deshita > me
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 03:39:22 ID:??? BE AAS
Oh, no.

I've forgotten the important work for BBSPINK.

I have to make a thread for publishing the official opinion of Jim-san.
I will try it now.
735: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 03:39:37 ID:mRggU16k(16/18)調 AAS
Otsu deshita Mumumu
736: 2006/07/22(土) 03:41:16 ID:dtZ8DG3D(1)調 AAS
737: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 03:42:28 ID:fGCb8rsD(7/11)調 BE AAS
738: 某770 2006/07/22(土) 03:44:24 ID:vOTl/pU+(3/3)調 AAS
(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 03:46:38 ID:mRggU16k(17/18)調 AAS
>>734 and don`t you think 2 boards for controlling deletion are necessary?
740: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 03:49:30 ID:??? BE AAS
I made it.
Jim-san, you can use it.

■ Jim's thinking (part 1)

I will reply it another writing in it sooner.
741: 2006/07/22(土) 03:51:07 ID:pRrsvi9c(1)調 AAS
I'm coming here, I had hearing Jim-san in this thread :)
742: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 03:57:13 ID:fGCb8rsD(8/11)調 BE AAS
If you go by the way of 2chBBS, they might be necessary.
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 03:57:48 ID:??? BE AAS
I don't think so now.

Currently, 2ch and BBSPINK's deleting board is the completely same (1 unit, 3 boards).

As long-time solution, for controlling deletion of 2ch and BBSPINK may separate.
But now there are no troubles the current deletion system, so, we don't need hurry
up for separating.

Hiroyuki wants to separate these boards for 2ch and BBSPINK certainly,
but I estimates this makes very serious impacts for 2ch and BBSPINK's
deletion system.

So, I think we must not hurry. This is very difficult and needs step-by-step
works, and I thinks it is the work after making deletion policies for BBSPINK own.

That's all my opinion.
Jim-san, how about this?
744: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 04:17:12 ID:fGCb8rsD(9/11)調 BE AAS
I agree with your opinion.
If Hiroyuki-san permits, I think that We should borrow the BBS to receive the request of deletion.
(1): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 04:26:29 ID:fGCb8rsD(10/11)調 BE AAS
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 04:30:19 ID:xSyq/e1Z(20/22)調 BE AAS

He said that Sure and Sure(Su-Re) is the same spelling,
but no one points about it and he is disappointed.

Izumi-san, I am sorry about it.

And I feel a little bit speepy, so I think it is time for taking bath
and going to bed now.

I say Oyasumi-Nasai to users and thank you for discussing and wathing
our dances in this thread.

Good luck for 2ch and BBSPINK.
Good night.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 04:30:42 ID:mRggU16k(18/18)調 AAS
It is fine with me, I have had a request to make a subdomain dear.bbspink.com
for this purpose. Let me know when and if it is necessary. Probably we have
a peach server we could put it on. It won`t be such a busy board I think.
Important, but not so busy.
748: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 04:31:03 ID:xSyq/e1Z(21/22)調 BE AAS
wathing → watching
749: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 04:32:33 ID:??? BE AAS
Ok, I withdraw the request for making virtual host for dear.bbspink.com.
Let's make the deletion policy first.
750: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/22(土) 04:34:39 ID:fGCb8rsD(11/11)調 BE AAS
I'm very sleepy.
Good night and c u
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 04:42:18 ID:??? BE AAS
My today's last job.

I will make above 3 cap passwords into the following 5 BBSPINK servers:

pie.bbspink.com (already done)
752: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 04:45:07 ID:??? BE AAS
It's done.
You can use your cap handle at all boards of BBSPINK.

Good night, friends.
(1): 2006/07/22(土) 04:55:17 ID:MEuPoeqV(1)調 AAS
Oh, Hot Guy!
My name is Delete technique, one of the deleter of channel 2.
At that BBS(channel 2), my name is 削除technique ★.
I have a very, very big cock(8 inches long!),
and love gachimuchi guys.
Why don't you join in my club, Onsoku-FinalRomance?
I'm very welcome.
(2): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 05:45:37 ID:??? BE AAS

Please be careful. >>753's name field is "名無し編集部員".
It means the anonymous coward at this bulletin board.
So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,
He uses the trip string on his real writing.

So, this BBS is anonymous based. As you know, with cap and/or trip-nized
writings are only trusted. All other writings may be forged the posting name.

So, my writings are always trip-nized and/or cap-nized.

◆MUMUMUhnYI is my trip string and 桃色吐息 ★ is my cap handle.
So, all other Mumumu's writings may be forged.

Again, please be careful.
(1): 2006/07/22(土) 06:13:10 ID:CjwwndAD(3/4)調 AAS
> So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,
> He uses the trip string on his real writing.

↓Because this is the message for Mumumu,I write in Japanese


“is not”ではなく、「ではないことが多い」ではないでしょうか?
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/22(土) 06:45:46 ID:??? BE AAS

He (or she) points my writing about quoting the above.

He wrote that my writing:
> So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,

should be:
> So, I think its writing may not be the real delete technique,

Certainly, he may not use his PC temporary at that time,
so, he doesn't input his own cap/trip password on his writing.
As you know, it is very dangerous that inputting cap/trip password
on other person's and/or Internet Cafe's PC. So, you must not do.

And I teach another very important issue about 2ch and BBSPINK.

All of 2ch and BBSPINK users have the same priority and hierarchy.
Of course, including cap-holder, trip-holder, and including me.

You must not discriminate by Name field. Name field is only decoration
for writing, the erotic person does not understand this. :-)


757: 2006/07/22(土) 07:57:53 ID:gBcpUgoP(1)調 AAS
are you can read japanese ok ?
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 08:39:07 ID:bo+r+dp3(1/2)調 AAS
>>754 only 8 inches? I am sorry you are so small.
759: 2006/07/22(土) 08:41:42 ID:xtV7jvHj(1)調 AAS
You may write in Japanese.
760: Borracho ◆baila6uPTo 2006/07/22(土) 10:11:04 ID:fY/E6ZOB(1)調 BE AAS
hyper text transfer protocol.
file transfer protocol.
simple mail transfer protocol.
post office protocol.
KYOTO protocol.

Let's throw in the above-mentioned sentence to the text area that exists in the
EXCITE translation.

It's B!E!A!Utiful!! for exicite transration works!

Posdata: 'Done...' eq 'Mission complete.' eq 'むぎゅ'
(1): 外野ァァン 2006/07/22(土) 11:38:00 ID:3SWp4RhR(1)調 AAS
after the carnival ... orz
762: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 11:51:04 ID:xSyq/e1Z(22/22)調 BE AAS

Above AA is called "Pugyaa". It is frequently used for "You deserve it".

But he is one of my online friends in 2ch/BBSPINK.
(As you know, I have so many online friends in 2ch/BBSPINK, including you)
I am sorry he could not attend the festival in yesterday midnight.
763: 2006/07/22(土) 13:26:51 ID:CjwwndAD(4/4)調 AAS
Thank you very much for translating my opinion.

(4): ξ=∂ヮ∂=ξやまオニイサマ☆ ◆7KBbCCGQs. 2006/07/22(土) 13:41:44 ID:HrligRbo(1)調 AA×

765: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 13:47:34 ID:9rZOhxvj(1/5)調 BE AAS
>>764 is one of the famous erotic user "Yama-Oniisama" in 2ch.

As you know, Hiroyuki prohibits excessive erotic/obscene in 2ch,
but we know BBSPINK is not.

So, I think >>764 can treat more realistic and natural personality.
And I think it is so good for both person, you and him.

766: 2006/07/22(土) 14:31:21 ID:NEIwtSnl(1)調 AAS
Yama-oni has come and something hot has cum, too!(laughing)

And next, I expect 削リファイス ★(well-known for the SuperStar Kezuri-san at 2ch) will come here.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土) 15:19:00 ID:bo+r+dp3(2/2)調 AAS
>>764 I have seen your 2d pic to many times....;)
Please have a good internet life.
(1): 2006/07/22(土) 17:18:26 ID:JpjI6wVA(1/3)調 AAS


Ascii Art Scope
Has Jim-san already known "Ascii Art Scope"?
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 21:31:54 ID:9rZOhxvj(2/5)調 BE AAS
I think Jim-san uses normal Web browser, probably.

So, "外部リンク:"style(preventing referer leaking) is NOT suitable for this thread,
at least. When using this, Jim-san must do painful "copy-and-paste" operation.

Then, I recommended normal "外部リンク:"stylehyperlinkforteachingand
displaying the hyper link information to Jim-san, in this thread.

To: Jim-san,

Many 2ch/BBSPINK users use custom-made browsers for using thair boards.
They are very useful and they read "*.dat" file directry instead of call
read.cgi program. So, custom-made browsers help reducing the servers' load.

I also use one of custom-make browsers, it is called "OpenJane".
And there are many kinds of custom-make browsers in Japan.

And it is very important point, their custom-made browsers support the function
of 2ch pastlog reading service. As you aleady know, it is one of the core system
of "The Oyster Project", called ●(Black circle).

So, we should say thank you for users and developers of each custom-made
browsers. Otsu-desu. > all related people

(11): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 21:41:54 ID:9rZOhxvj(3/5)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)

"外部リンク:"ではなく、普通に "外部リンク:"の形で、貼るようにしたほうがよさげです。
(1): [sage興奮翻訳なのですぅー] 2006/07/22(土) 21:43:31 ID:JpjI6wVA(2/3)調 AAS
(>Д<)ゝ” 10-40・10-10 I consented.



Ascii Art Scope
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 21:46:15 ID:9rZOhxvj(4/5)調 BE AAS
Thank you for your cooperation.
(1): 2006/07/22(土) 22:18:42 ID:JpjI6wVA(3/3)調 AAS

Thank you too.
774: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土) 22:29:01 ID:9rZOhxvj(5/5)調 BE AAS

Just I explain the strange email address "sage".

In 2ch/BBSPINK, you see so many "sage" message in Email field.
For example, >>773.

This "sage" is one of the basic and important functions in 2ch/BBSPINK.
I will explain it later.
775: ◆qb.x27/m96 2006/07/22(土) 23:25:39 ID:bFqeLrlt(1)調 BE AAS
Dear Jim-san.

My handle is qb.

The PINK channel must be a happy bulletin board.

Here is a place with such a link.
It is a very interesting place.

The problem of the copyright is difficult.
It is a thing that evades and finishes going out by wit or the joke.

#This writing is "Sure-Chigai. " Hehehe
(1): 2006/07/22(土) 23:55:30 ID:y1jICZ6W(2/3)調 AAS
■ Jim's thinking (part 1)から質問を一部転載

777: 2006/07/22(土) 23:56:24 ID:y1jICZ6W(3/3)調 AAS

>>776 is question. It translated from Japanese into English.

Please answer as much as possible.

Because BBSPINK is misappropriating the system of 2ch now,
the authority of the person nominated can be used also with BBSPINK as it is as a volunteer in 2ch.
Is there ideas such as "It is necessary to blot out the authority" and
"I want to appoint BBSPINK as it is" about those people?
(2): 2006/07/23(日) 00:02:56 ID:i94JvLAq(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim san,


It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us --
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which
they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God,
shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people,
by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Best Regards,
779: 2006/07/23(日) 00:34:00 ID:VjWpFazW(1)調 AAS
(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/23(日) 01:24:58 ID:3kCuBlYB(1/2)調 AAS
>>778 Are you trying to motivate people? That is most famous speech of one of our dead presidents
in the US. Abraham Lincoln. I have been to that battlefield, you can almost feel the ghosts. Over 50,000
people died there. Brothers fighting brothers. Maybe you are trying to make a point that we are fighting
among ourselves for no apparent reason? Anyway please make your point more clearly.
781: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/23(日) 01:34:31 ID:1CIIX2KZ(1/3)調 BE AAS
Good morning Mister.
(1): 2006/07/23(日) 01:39:05 ID:z+Htz2+w(1)調 AAS

Is the announcement of ideas and principles?
(1): ◆uRW6KoTaRo 2006/07/23(日) 01:51:34 ID:3jQrmK7A(1)調 AAS
I felt that Mr.Jim got HOT.


And now,here we go! ONE,TWO,THREE...DAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
784: 2006/07/23(日) 03:01:58 ID:ciEY/WMM(1)調 AAS
It's not cool to be serious to the copied material!
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/23(日) 04:28:09 ID:3kCuBlYB(2/2)調 AAS
>>782 >>783
Just a response and not an announcement of principles. Remember the Principal is your pal.
I think Mumumu has made a board for rants and raves and opinions.
Lets discuss things like the Gettysburgh address or other things that do not pertain to
our Ero life and building a better bbspink there.
786: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 11:00:56 ID:I/JZY30u(1/15)調 BE AAS

> I think Mumumu has made a board for rants and raves and opinions.
> 2chスレ:erobbs
> Lets discuss things like the Gettysburgh address or other things that do not pertain to
> our Ero life and building a better bbspink there.

Ok, thank you.
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 11:29:51 ID:I/JZY30u(2/15)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)

ということで Jim さんは、

■ Jim's thinking (part 1)



Let's talk with Jim-san



(1): 2006/07/23(日) 11:45:54 ID:BtBZKIyp(1/4)調 AAS

(2): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 11:57:49 ID:I/JZY30u(3/15)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)

> 該当スレでJimさんの「思うところ」が語られ、それについての議論はこのスレッドで、と言う事ですね?


> それから、ここでの議論は英語で行われるのが基本でですか?


ここは「Let's talk with Jim-san = Jim さんと語ろう」なので、
日本語でだけやりとりするのは、Jim さんにとってはたぶんいまいちでしょう。

なので、最近の私のここへの書き込みで日本語で書く時はすべて、(in Japanese) と、


1) 気にせず片言英語でがんがる


2) どうしてもだめという向きには、日⇔英翻訳のための作業用スレッドを別途用意する

そっちで作業した結果をこっちにコピペし、Jim さんからの返事の日本語訳を


ただしこの場合、私が 2) のスレに直接出没することは、ありませんです。

(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:01:49 ID:I/JZY30u(4/15)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)

Jim さんはそのコテハンを使って呼ぶことになると思うので。


To: Jim-san,

Just I explained some guidelines for using this "Let's talk" thread
for Japanese BBSPINK users in >>789.

So, this is the reason why >>789 and this are written in Japanese.

791: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:05:43 ID:I/JZY30u(5/15)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)

あと、Jim さんはここに書いてある日本語を、
AA を含めて画面上で「見る」ことや、コピペすることはできているはずなので、
コテハンに AA を含んでいるとか、説明に AA を使うとかいうのは、

ただ Jim さんが、フォントを「2ちゃんねる的に」正しく設定しているかは
確認していないので、Jim さんの画面に表示されている AA は、


To: Jim-san,

This is the addendum notice of >>790 for Japanese BBSPINK users.
(1): 2006/07/23(日) 12:08:44 ID:BtBZKIyp(2/4)調 AAS

(1): おふぃす 2006/07/23(日) 12:11:52 ID:/gloWjml(1/3)調 AAS
> Please have a good internet life.


(3): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:13:36 ID:I/JZY30u(6/15)調 BE AAS
Please use English.

Yes, we should use ONLY >>nnn and >>nnn-nnn style for reference.
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:15:47 ID:I/JZY30u(7/15)調 BE AAS
>>794 following for myself:

> Please use English.
Including your own handle name, of course.
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:18:37 ID:I/JZY30u(8/15)調 BE AAS
Followup is better than following. Sorry.
So, my English is still elementary level.

The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture makes sometimes us growing.

So, let's communicate!
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:25:22 ID:I/JZY30u(9/15)調 BE AAS
The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture makes sometimes us growing.

should be:

The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture sometimes makes us growing.

(1): Office 2006/07/23(日) 12:34:17 ID:/gloWjml(2/3)調 AAS
Oops, I am sorry.
I am weak in English.
I understood a matter of hyperlink.
You may have understood that Jim was a good guy first of all.

Do you know it in this?
(2): 2006/07/23(日) 12:34:24 ID:BtBZKIyp(3/4)調 AAS
>>794  OK

Can you confirm it?

What about Mr.Jim talked until this time.

1:I am a manager in both name and reality.

2:It discusses everything, and makes better pink board.

3:I also participate in the discussion. (I=Mr.Jim)
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 12:36:40 ID:I/JZY30u(10/15)調 BE AAS
Otsudesu, otsudesu.

Jim-san knows some kinds of Japanese words and 2ch slungs.
For example, Otsudesu.

And you can teach other 2ch/BBSPINK slungs to Jim-san in this thread.
So, let's try it.
(1): Office 2006/07/23(日) 12:51:15 ID:/gloWjml(3/3)調 AAS
No, I must have Jim give it, and I am ignorant about a bbspink.
Please do not bring up Jim to a strange person, everyone :-)
802: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 13:02:34 ID:I/JZY30u(11/15)調 BE AAS
Of course, Jim-san is very good, clever, gentle and erotic guy. :-)

( ̄ー ̄)Niyari
(2): Who 2006/07/23(日) 13:22:05 ID:BtBZKIyp(4/4)調 AAS
空気嫁→Kuukiyome(Pronunciation of Japanese)→AirBride(Literal translation.Language that doesn't exist)

→Meaning of language
Language that points out person who doesn't understand TPO (TPO:Flow of the place.It seems not to perceive the situation.)

It is not a correct explanation.・・・・・
(2): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 13:30:23 ID:I/JZY30u(12/15)調 BE AAS
I think you need to explain to Jim-san why we use "嫁" as "yome", not "読め".
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日) 13:33:11 ID:I/JZY30u(13/15)調 BE AAS
>>804 addendum:

"読め" means "read" and "嫁" means "bride" in Japanese.
(2): IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/23(日) 14:15:01 ID:1CIIX2KZ(2/3)調 AAS

What is deleter?

I want to confirm it.
We should be clarifying "What can Deleter do?" and "What cannot Deleter do?".
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