[過去ログ] 【東海地震】浜岡原発をなんとかスレ!!【間近】 (1001レス)
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310(1): 03/09/28 19:09 ID:Pg+QQErr(4/4)調 AAS
Hi, I'm accessing from Japan. I have something I want you to know about.
It's about the possibility of 20 million people dying in the worst-case.
It's about a Japanese earthquake and a nuclear power plant.
Most experts of earthquake have said a great earthquake called
" Tokai Great Earthquake" will happen soon.
It is believed it will happen in a year. And we have a nuclear power plant
in Hamaoka, Shizuoka Pref. (nat so far from Tokyo) where the earthquake will happen.
When it happens, the plant will be damaged badly.
And an incredible disaster shall happen.
But Japanese media can't broadcast the fact
because the companies of the power plant pay them.
So we want to ask you foreign friends to help us.
Please inform this fact to your friends and pressure Japanese government
from the outside.
Thank you for your reading.
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