[過去ログ] 英検1級スレ 208 (1002レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイ 1234-EwrM) 2021/11/22(月) 12:41:16 ID:L9xNDSaO0(1/2)調 AAS

Title: Should The Sports Industry Use More Technologies? (スポーツ業界はもっとテクノロジーを利用すべきか)

Nowadays the global market size of sports technology has been growing very fast and its demand is expected to continue increasing for a foreseeable future because of the emerging technologies.
However, I fear that excessive adoptions of technology into the sports world can be detrimental for all sport-related companies and sports fans. I have three rationales to support my opinion.

First, video replays during a game break in play. Some players/teams request to show the video replays during a game as a tactic to deliberately slow down the game progress for the sake of slowing down the opponent's momentum.
Second, even though wearing protective equipment such as helmets or shin pads is considered to reduce performer's injury risk, putting too much faith in protective gears results in greater injury chances dangerously taken due to more aggressive performances.
Lastly, and this is my own perspective, but the high tech technology might change nature of sport. I understand that the cutting-edge sports technologies will improve the quality of sports. For example, ball-tracing system automatically makes correct decisions all the time and retractable roof of stadium enables events to give comfort to players and spectators in inclement weather.
However, Nature of sport would be changed if too much technology is used, because it makes sports boring when unpredictability and atmosphere are completely lost.

In light of the points mentioned above, human athletes should be the stars in any sporting evets, not sports tech companies, which comes to conclusion that sports industries should not overly rely on technology.
(1): (アウアウウー Sa3b-zQ3E) 2021/11/22(月) 13:33:29 ID:Q23hXjELa(3/3)調 AAS
>>965 素晴らしい英文だと思う。俺みたいな馬鹿には何処が間違えているのか 全くわからない。因みに俺は一級持ち。一級にもピンからキリまであるということなw
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